我正在尝试使用笔记本电脑将 Android 手机连接到 KDE Connect 应用程序。
我的系统是一个最小的 Debian Sid 系统,只有 i3wm,没有安装其他备用桌面环境或窗口管理器。
当我点击通知时什么也没有发生。在 Gnome 或 KDE 等桌面环境中,通知还有接受或拒绝按钮,而 i3wm 的默认通知处理程序则不然。
那么现在如何让我的笔记本电脑与 KDE Connect 配对呢?有什么替代通知处理程序可以在这里完成这项工作吗?
我的设置详细信息:Debian GNU/Linux Unstable(sid) WM: i3
按照 cocoa1231 的说明进行操作后,我尝试从以下位置启动守护进程/usr/lib/
rajudev@sanganak:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec$ ./kdeconnectd
kdeconnect.core: KdeConnect daemon starting
kdeconnect.core: onStart
kdeconnect.core: KdeConnect daemon started
kdeconnect.core: Broadcasting identity packet
kdeconnect.core: TCP connection done (i'm the existing device)
kdeconnect.core: Starting server ssl (I'm the client TCP socket)
kdeconnect.core: TCP connection done (i'm the existing device)
kdeconnect.core: Starting server ssl (I'm the client TCP socket)
kdeconnect.core: Socket successfully established an SSL connection
kdeconnect.core: It is a new device "xiaomi"
kdeconnect.core: Socket successfully established an SSL connection
kdeconnect.core: It is a known device "xiaomi"
kdeconnect.core: TCP connection done (i'm the existing device)
kdeconnect.core: Starting server ssl (I'm the client TCP socket)
kdeconnect.core: TCP connection done (i'm the existing device)
kdeconnect.core: Starting server ssl (I'm the client TCP socket)
kdeconnect.core: Socket successfully established an SSL connection
kdeconnect.core: It is a known device "xiaomi"
kdeconnect.core: Socket successfully established an SSL connection
kdeconnect.core: It is a known device "xiaomi"
kdeconnect.core: creating pairing handler for "22d1625020250fbf"
kdeconnect.core: Pair request
kdeconnect.core: Sending onNetworkChange to 1 LinkProviders
kdeconnect.core: Broadcasting identity packet
kdeconnect.core: Starting client ssl (but I'm the server TCP socket)
kdeconnect.core: Socket successfully established an SSL connection
kdeconnect.core: It is a known device "xiaomi"
Device pairing error "Timed out"
kdeconnect.core: TCP connection done (i'm the existing device)
kdeconnect.core: Starting server ssl (I'm the client TCP socket)
kdeconnect.core: TCP connection done (i'm the existing device)
kdeconnect.core: Starting server ssl (I'm the client TCP socket)
kdeconnect.core: Socket successfully established an SSL connection
kdeconnect.core: It is a known device "xiaomi"
kdeconnect.core: Socket successfully established an SSL connection
kdeconnect.core: It is a known device "xiaomi"
并将其添加到您的 i3config 中
exec --no-startup-id /usr/lib/kdeconnectd
对于配对过程,dunst 不支持交互式通知,因此打开 KDE Connect 指示器并从指示器启动设置,当您尝试配对时,您可以从配置对话框中接受。这里
Dunst 目前支持通知中的操作:https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Dunst#Actions