如何使用 SPP 配对 Datalogic QuickScan 蓝牙条码扫描仪?

如何使用 SPP 配对 Datalogic QuickScan 蓝牙条码扫描仪?

我想在“串行端口配置文件模式”下配对蓝牙条码扫描仪(SPPbluetoothctl)在 Arch Linux 上使用。该设备是:

[bluetooth]# info 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4
Device 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4 (public)
    Name: QuickScan-i-QBT2131 E17C07052
    Alias: QuickScan-i-QBT2131 E17C07052
    Class: 0x00180000
    Paired: no
    Trusted: yes
    Blocked: no
    Connected: no
    LegacyPairing: yes


随着scan on设备变得可见:

[NEW] Device 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4 00-07-BE-1C-40-C4
[CHG] Device 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4 LegacyPairing: no
[CHG] Device 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4 Name: QuickScan-i-QBT2131 E17C07052
[CHG] Device 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4 Alias: QuickScan-i-QBT2131 E17C07052
[CHG] Device 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4 LegacyPairing: yes


[NEW] Device 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4 00-07-BE-1C-40-C4
[CHG] Device 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4 LegacyPairing: no
[CHG] Device 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4 Name: QuickScan-i-QBT2131 E17C07052
[CHG] Device 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4 Alias: QuickScan-i-QBT2131 E17C07052
[CHG] Device 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4 LegacyPairing: yes



  • 扫描条码:进入编程模式
  • 扫描条形码:BT 安全模式 = 禁用
  • 扫描条码:退出编程模式

结果:Request PIN code


结果:Request PIN code


[agent] Enter PIN code: 1234
Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationRejected

请求 PIN 码 [代理] 输入 PIN 码:

意味着您必须使用计算机键盘输入 PIN 码,以便稍后使用条形码扫描仪进行扫描。对于此 Datalogic 扫描仪,当设备要求您扫描先前输入的 PIN 码时,设备会亮起屏幕。

我在 HID 模式下确实有一些运气,通过将代理设置为 KeyboardOnly,通过扫描条形码来配置条形码扫描仪:

  1. “取消链接”
  2. “可变 PIN 码”
  3. “链接到 HID 中的 PC”

Pairing successfulhci0: last event is not cmd complete (0x0f)

HID:无需扫描条码 可变 PIN 码

扫描“恢复 EU 出厂配置”后,计算机重新启动并且不扫描“可变 PIN 码”,因此仅扫描“取消链接”和“链接到 HID 中的 PC”会出现这种情况:

[bluetooth]# pair 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4
Attempting to pair with 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4
[CHG] Device 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4 Connected: yes
[agent] PIN code: 352950
[CHG] Device 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4 Connected: no
[CHG] Device 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4 Connected: yes
Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationRejected
[CHG] Device 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4 Connected: no

现在需要 6 位 PIN 码,1 秒后连接就会断开。


对于串行“启用 RF 链接到服务器”,配对结果有所不同:

# bluetoothctl
Agent registered
[bluetooth]# agent off
Agent unregistered
[bluetooth]# agent KeyboardOnly
Agent registered
[bluetooth]# default-agent
Default agent request successful
[bluetooth]# pairable on
Changing pairable on succeeded
[bluetooth]# scan on
Discovery started
[CHG] Controller 14:4F:8A:30:DF:AD Discovering: yes
[CHG] Device 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4 LegacyPairing: yes
[CHG] Device 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4 RSSI: -61
[bluetooth]# pair 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4
Attempting to pair with 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4
[CHG] Device 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4 Connected: yes
Request PIN code
[agent] Enter PIN code: 0000
Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationTimeout
[CHG] Device 00:07:BE:1C:40:C4 Connected: no

QuickScan 上表示 PIN 码输入模式的绿灯未亮起。断开连接发生在 10 到 20 秒之间。

