我正在使用 Microsoft Word 2016 撰写一篇非常大的文章,近 600 页,但是现在,在第二部分中,只有这一部分,页码延续了上一节的编号,我想将其重新开始为 1。
我的第一部分用罗马数字表示,我想将第二部分和其余部分(另外 32 个)用阿拉伯数字表示,但从第 2 部分到最后都用数字 1 重新开始。
我已经在阿拉伯数字的第一部分中选中了“从 1 开始”选项,但是当我将其保存为 PDF 或尝试打印文档时,数字会继续使用前一节的下一个数字,并在页码菜单中放置“从上一节继续”选项。
Previously, I have had other problem of this type, because between the 3 and the 4 section (both with arabic number and with continuos numbers), the Word restarted the numeration, but I corrected it copying this part of a previous document version.
Doing more tests, I could check that when I save as PDF or I try to print, the foot page put itself automatically the option 'link to previous (section)'.
Right-click on the first number in the new section. In the menu, select "Numbering" to open the sub-menu. At the bottom, find an entry that says "Set numbering value" and select it. In the window that opens, make sure "Start new list" is checked, and "Set Value To:" reads 1. Hit OK.
This should break the connection between the lists and start a new numbering scheme from that point onwards.
I have resolved the problem. Basically, the problem was that in two title, the 'section jump' formed part of the title, I mean:
<-------------------'section jump'----------
However, it was invisible and I saw this problem in a cross reference because the cross reference created too a new section.
The solution was to insert a 'enter' between the 'section jump' and the title, however you will see the same thing in the Word document, but it is very diferent and it will not give you problems:
<-------------------'section jump'---------->(enter)