用于更新配置文件中 IP 地址的脚本

用于更新配置文件中 IP 地址的脚本

我正在编写一个脚本,提示用户输入原始 IP,然后输入新 IP。我可以让 sed 从 CLI 工作,但想制作一个脚本,以便用户可以在 Web 服务器上更新自己的公共 IP 以进行访问。

我收到以下错误,但不知道为什么它要寻找 EOF:

./UpdateIP.sh: line 24: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
 ./UpdateIP.sh: line 25: syntax error: unexpected end of file



# This script will change the IP address from x.x.x.x TO y.y.y.y


echo "Please enter the IP Address to change:"

# Ask user to input for IP address
read origip

echo "Please enter the NEW IP Address to be changed to:"
read newip

echo "The original IP in the lines below will be changed FROM:
sed 's/$(origip)/$(newip)/' $(configs) | grep $(origip)
echo "TO:"
sed 's/$(origip)/$(newip)/' $(configs) | grep $(newip)

read -p "Press [Enter] key to start updating IP's..."


您可以使用下面的脚本来更新新的 IP 地址



echo "enter the old ip adress which need to change"
read oldip
echo "enter the new ip adress"
read newip

sed -i "s/$oldip/$newip/g" configfilename
