在 FreeBSD 上禁用密码登录的不同方法

在 FreeBSD 上禁用密码登录的不同方法


pw lock <user>

pw mod user <user> -w no



来自pw(8) 联机帮助页(当您对程序有疑问时,这始终是您应该首先查看的地方!man pw

     The pw utility supports a simple password locking mechanism for users; it
     works by prepending the string `*LOCKED*' to the beginning   of the pass-
     word field   in master.passwd to prevent successful authentication.

     The lock and unlock commands take a user name or uid of the account to
     lock or unlock, respectively.  The   -V, -C, and -q options as described
     above are accepted   by these commands.

(关于 的部分usermod,我猜你的意思是mod user

 -w   method     The -w option selects the default method used to set pass-
     words for newly created user accounts.  method is one of:

       no  disable login on newly created accounts
       yes     force the password to be the account name
       none    force a blank password
       random  generate a random password

     The `random' or `no' methods are the most secure; in the
     former case, pw generates a password and prints it to std-
     out, which is suitable when users are issued passwords
     rather than being allowed to select their own (possibly
     poorly chosen) password.  The `no' method requires that the
     superuser use passwd(1) to render the account accessible
     with a password.

所以,lock可以用unlock, usermod <user> -w nowill恢复删除密码和管理员需要设置新的一,并告诉用户(可能包括通过不受信任的介质发送)。



  • “lock”保留原始密码字段,并添加锁定到密码字段,它允许“撤消”操作并保持原始密码不变。但是,锁定的用户无法通过基于密钥的身份验证通过 SSH 登录。
  • “-w no”选项将密码字段设置为“*”,从而禁用任何形式的基于密码的登录。然而,这不会阻止使用基于密钥的身份验证进行基于 SSH 的访问!
