Windows 10 陷入启动循环 - 无法进行启动修复

Windows 10 陷入启动循环 - 无法进行启动修复

基本概要: 简而言之,我尝试过一次 Windows 更新,但结果却陷入了无限的启动循环。无论我在启动过程中进行多少次电源循环,我都无法进入启动修复。在设法通过全新的(在出现问题时安装的)Windows 安装闪存驱动器启动后,我尝试了启动修复选项,但该选项在“尝试修复”上停滞了 30 分钟。在我尝试恢复到系统还原点后,我被告知我的机器没有还原点。

为了以防万一,下面是事件的顺序,这是一个 pastebin对每个事件进行详细的解释,以缩短帖子长度。


1. Microsoft store doesn't download apps with the issue of 0x80073cf9
2. Download Media Creation Tool & Download Win10 ISO from it
3. Mount ISO
4. Create System Restore Point
5. Run Setup.exe 1st time (Settings to keep all personal files)
6. Notice 1st upgrade quit(sometime after ~30%), Start 2nd upgrade(Same settings)
7. PC Restarts ~30% into 2nd upgrade,
8. Begin Restart loop

循环描述:MSI“按 del/f11”UEFI 屏幕持续约 10 秒 -> Windows 旋转点加载圆圈在其上方持续约 10 秒 -> CMD 提示符短暂闪烁 -> Windows 屏幕短暂闪烁,大致显示“撤消最近的更改”-> 屏幕变黑 -> 返回开始


1. Boot into flash drive installation media
2. Greeted with Windows Setup Dialogue Box
3. Poke around in cmd line, make sure HDDs still recognized
4. Attempt Startup Repair Option - terminate after ~30 minutes
5. Attempt restore from system point
6. Informed that no restore points exist
