在 Excel VBA 中按单元格值删除表格行 - 不会删除所有行,为什么?

在 Excel VBA 中按单元格值删除表格行 - 不会删除所有行,为什么?

我在 Excel 2016 中创建了这个宏,但问题在 Excel 2019 中仍然存在。

我的电子表格有一个宏,用于删除特定列中单元格包含单词“已关闭”的所有行。该宏大部分情况下有效,但仍有 2-3 行保留。再次运行该宏将清除它们。



Sub RemoveClosed()

' Select table
    Dim rObj As ListObject
    Set rObj = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("myTable")

' Clear any applied filters
    On Error Resume Next 'If filters are already cleared, don't throw a wobbly

' Recalculate all formulas
' Get the column number of the 'Closure' column
    Dim closureCol As Long
    closureCol = rObj.HeaderRowRange.Find("Closure").Column

' Specify what we're going to look for and use as deletion criteria
    Dim lookupValue As String
    lookupValue = "Closed"

' Start a counter for the If loop
    Dim zed As Integer

' If loop:
        For zed = 1 To rObj.ListRows.Count                      ' Counter cycles from 1 to total number of data rows

            If Cells(zed, closureCol).Value = lookupValue Then  ' If cell in Closure column in row 'zed' contains the deletion criterion
                If Not Application.CalculationState = xlDone Then
                End If
                Rows(zed).EntireRow.Delete                      ' Delete entire row
            End If

        Next zed

End Sub
