Amazon JDK 有 Alpine Linux 版本,我下载了 JetBrains 的 IntelliJ 社区源代码。ant build 卡在了Failed to complete gradle setupJdks setupKotlinPlugin
,JetbrainsRuntime 编译失败了
checking if custom source is suppressed (openjdk-only)... no
checking which variant of the JDK to build... normal
checking which debug level to use... release
checking which variants of the JVM to build... server client minimal core zero custom
configure: Unknown variant(s) specified: "server client minimal core zero custom"
configure: The available JVM variants are: "server client minimal core zero custom"
configure: error: Cannot continue
是否可以针对 musl jdk 在 Alpine 上编译 JetBrains IntelliJ 社区版?