尝试将选定的文件和文件夹放入 bat 脚本中,将其压缩为 zip 文件。除了子文件夹中的文件与我传递给 7z 的列表文件同名的情况外,其他一切都运行良好。无论我尝试什么,7z 都会将这些文件包含到 zip 中,即使它们不在列表中。
以下是带有空文件的文件夹结构,用于重现我所遇到的情况: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XM5-I7FY2mdvyM4vTUVbNXfshYqy6hyX/view?usp=sharing
| file2.txt
| file4.txt
| file5.txt
| file6.txt
| file7.txt
| file8.txt
请帮帮我,我已经很头疼了。这是我的 bat 脚本:
@echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
echo.Compresssing selected files with 7-Zip
echo.Ultra compression into .zip arcvhive
::here's output extension
SET "type=-tzip"
REM SET "type=-t7z"
::change noesis path to yours here
SET "ZPATH=%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip"
::Collect files into 7zip.lst
if exist %ZPATH%\7z.exe (
if [%1]==[] goto :eof
SET "FPATH=%~dp1"
if exist "%1" (
if exist "%1\" (
echo The given item is a directory.
dir %1 /s /b /A:-D | findstr /V /I /C:"\\folder2\\" >> 7zip.lst
) else (
echo The given item is a file.
echo %1 >> 7zip.lst
) else (
echo The given item does not exist.
if not [%1]==[] goto loop
echo path: %FPATH%
for %%f in ("%FPATH%\" .) do set ANAME=%%~nxf
echo name: %ANAME%
:: Ultra Compression
if exist %FPATH%7zip.lst (
:: Make paths relative
powershell -Command "(gc %FPATH%7zip.lst) -replace [Regex]::Escape('%FPATH%'), '' | Out-File %FPATH%7zip.lst -encoding utf8"
"%ZPATH%\7z.exe" a ^
%type% ^
-spf2 ^
-stl ^
-mx9 ^
-aoa ^
"%FPATH%%ANAME%_Patreon.zip" ^
REM del /f "%FPATH%7zip.lst"