

我正在努力创建一个 FAT 格式的磁盘映像来存储已知大小的文件。在本例中为 1 GiB 文件。


# Create a file that's 1 GiB in size.
dd if=/dev/zero iflag=count_bytes of=./large-file bs=1M count=1G
# Measure file size in KiB.
LARGE_FILE_SIZE_KIB="$(du --summarize --block-size=1024 large-file | cut --fields 1)"
# Create a FAT-formatted disk image.
mkfs.vfat -vv -C ./disk.img "${LARGE_FILE_SIZE_KIB}"
# Mount disk image using a loopback device.
mount -o loop ./disk.img /mnt
# Copy the large file to the disk image.
cp --archive ./large-file /mnt


++ dd if=/dev/zero iflag=count_bytes of=./large-file bs=1M count=1G
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 39.6962 s, 27.0 MB/s
+++ du --summarize --block-size=1024 large-file
+++ cut --fields 1
++ mkfs.vfat -vv -C ./disk.img 1048580
mkfs.fat 4.2 (2021-01-31)
Auto-selecting FAT32 for large filesystem
Boot jump code is eb 58
Using 32 reserved sectors
Trying with 8 sectors/cluster:
Trying FAT32: #clu=261627, fatlen=2048, maxclu=262144, limit=65525/268435446
Using sector 6 as backup boot sector (0 = none)
./disk.img has 64 heads and 63 sectors per track,
hidden sectors 0x0000;
logical sector size is 512,
using 0xf8 media descriptor, with 2097144 sectors;
drive number 0x80;
filesystem has 2 32-bit FATs and 8 sectors per cluster.
FAT size is 2048 sectors, and provides 261627 clusters.
There are 32 reserved sectors.
Volume ID is f0de10c3, no volume label.
++ mount -o loop ./disk.img /mnt
++ cp --archive ./large-file /mnt
cp: error writing '/mnt/large-file': No space left on device

如何创建足够大的 FAT 格式磁盘映像来存储已知大小的文件?



我的假设是这mkfs.vfat -C ./disk.img N将创建一个具有NKiB 可用空间的图像,但我想情况并非如此。


在我看来,您正试图将一个文件放入没有足够空间的文件系统上——这是设计造成的!您基本上是在说“对于需要 N kB 的文件,使磁盘映像的大小恰好为 N kB”。 FAT 到底在哪里存储文件元数据、目录表和卷描述符?

您还使用默认值的 mkfs.vfat,这对于 80 年代和 1990 年代初制造的 PC 来说是一个合理的配置,这意味着扇区更小,因此需要跟踪的扇区更多,因此 FAT 存储的消耗更多一个文件。最大化扇区大小;在文件系统上超过 1GB 可用空间(因此,磁盘映像明显大于 1GB!),16 kB应该工作(最小“FAT32-legal”簇计数为 65525,假设 4kB 扇区除以 1GB,所以-S 4096,并将簇大小最大化为 16 个扇区,所以-s 16)。

另请注意:对于 1 GB,您已经非常接近 FAT32 的最大文件大小 – 2 GB。因此,如果打算将其用作备份或文件系统映像等存储,您可能很快就会发现 FAT32 无法满足要求。它是非常旧文件系统。


如上所述,FAT 有点烦人,因为它对扇区数量有任意(而且出奇的低!)限制,这使得预测将产生多少开销变得有点困难。




# File(s) we want to store
files=( *.data ) # whatever you want to store.

# First, figure out how much size we'll need
# use `stat` to get the size in bytes instead of parsing `du`'s output
# Replace the new line after each file size with a "+" and add the initial overhead.
initial_overhead=$(( 5 * 2**20 )) # 5 MiB
# Then use your shell's arithmetic evaluation $(( … )) to execute that sum
totalsize=$(( $(stat -c '%s' -- "${files[@]}" | tr '\n' '+') initial_overhead ))

# give an extra 20% (no floating point math in bash…), then round to 1 kiB blocks
img_size=$(( ( totalsize * 120 / 100 + 1023 ) / 1024 * 1024 ))

# Create a file of that size
fallocate -l ${img_size} -- "${img_file}"
mkfs.vfat -vv -- "${img_file}"

# set up loopback device as regular user, and extract loopback
# device name from result
loopback=$(udisksctl loop-setup - "${img_file}" | sed 's/.* \([^ ]*\)\.$/\1/')

# mount loopback device as regular user, and get mount path
mounted=$(udisksctl mount -b "${loopback}" | sed 's/^.* \([^ ]*\)$/\1/')

# make sure we're good so far
[[ -d "${mounted}" ]] || (echo "couldn't get mount"; exit -1)

# copy over files…
cp -- "${files[@]}" "${mounted}"
# … and unmount our file system image
udisksctl unmount -b "${loopback}"
udisksctl loop-delete -b "${loopback}"

# use df to directly get the amount of free space in kilobyte blocks
free_space=$(df --direct --block-size=1K --output=avail -- "${img_file}" | tail -n1)

# We no longer need our temporary image
rm -- "${img_file}"

# subtract 2 kB just to be on the safe side when making new image
new_img_size=$(( free_space - 2 ))
# Make a new image, copy over files
fallocate -l ${new_img_size} -- "${img_file}"
mkfs.vfat -vv -- "${img_file}"
loopback=$(udisksctl loop-setup - "${img_file}" | sed 's/.* \([^ ]*\)\.$/\1/')
mounted=$(udisksctl mount -b "${loopback}" | sed 's/^.* \([^ ]*\)$/\1/')
[[ -d "${mounted}" ]] || (echo "final copy: couldn't get mount"; exit -1)
cp -- "${files[@]}" "${mounted}"
udisksctl unmount -b "${loopback}"
udisksctl loop-delete -b "${loopback}"

# Done!

¹:当 FAT32 推出时,1 GB 的硬盘仍然不算小,文件系统结构源自 1981 年的 FAT12,设计用于 360 kB 大小的软盘;1 GB 硬盘可能需要保留的块数量在 15 年左右才会实现。实际上,将 SD 卡格式化为 FAT32 的智能手机会随身携带一个时间胶囊,用于存储大约 1997 年发明的文件系统,而这本身只是对 1980 年发明的文件系统进行了相对轻微的修改;所以,是的,用 44 年前的折衷解决方案解决了现代存储问题。




# Create a file that's 1 GiB in size.
dd if=/dev/zero iflag=count_bytes of=./large-file bs=1M count=1G

# Measure file size in KiB. BUT TWICE THE SIZE!
# Double parentheses are needed for arithmetic
LARGE_FILE_SIZE_KIB=$(($(du --summarize --block-size=1024 large-file | cut --fields 1) * 2))

# Create a FAT-formatted disk image.
sudo mkfs.vfat -vv -C ./disk.img "${LARGE_FILE_SIZE_KIB}"

# Create mount directory
sudo mkdir /mnt/test

# Mount disk image using a loopback device.
sudo mount -o loop -t vfat ./disk.img /mnt/test

# Copy the large file to the disk image.
# BUT do not use --archive option
sudo cp ./large-file /mnt/test




但我怀疑这与块大小有关,块大小要么太低要么太高,无法容纳 1GB 文件。
