奇数页和偶数页的 \marginparsep 不同吗?

奇数页和偶数页的 \marginparsep 不同吗?


我一直在研究缩进列表、章节标题等,这导致了边注问题:我需要增加\marginparsep偶数页的有效页数以允许缩进。由于这是一个长度,我不能简单地包含一个宏,例如 KOMA 的\ifthispageodd



Werner 的以下回答几乎解决了该问题,但有一个错误与 修复的错误密切相关mparhack。此 MWE 演示了该问题:

\usepackage{lipsum}% http://ctan.org/pkg/lipsum
\usepackage{everyshi}% http://ctan.org/pkg/everyshi
\usepackage{xifthen}% http://ctan.org/pkg/xifthen

    {\global\marginparsep=22pt}% Next page is even
    {\global\marginparsep=11pt}% Next page is odd
\marginpar[This is a paragraph in the left margin]{This is a paragraph in the right margin}

  \def\do#1{\item This is a line #1 and should have a note with the same
    number:\marginpar{Note #1 and a bit.}}

\marginpar[This is a paragraph in the left margin]{This is a paragraph in the right margin}
\marginpar[This is a paragraph in the left margin]{This is a paragraph in the right margin}


第二页顶部的第 17 条注释没有得到正确的调整。如果mparhack不使用该软件包,则此注释也会出现在页面的错误一侧,因此完整的解决方案可能涉及以某种方式应用类似的补丁。有没有简单的方法可以做到这一点?


我认为在 shipout 时访问页码已经足够强大了。为此,请使用everyshi包裹。以下是一次小型试运行:

\usepackage{lipsum}% http://ctan.org/pkg/lipsum
\usepackage{everyshi}% http://ctan.org/pkg/everyshi
\usepackage{xifthen}% http://ctan.org/pkg/xifthen

    {\global\marginparsep=22pt}% Next page is even
    {\global\marginparsep=11pt}% Next page is odd

\marginpar[This is a paragraph in the left margin]{This is a paragraph in the right margin}
\marginpar[This is a paragraph in the left margin]{This is a paragraph in the right margin}

奇数页/偶数页的 marginparsep 值不同

关键是\global在 内进行更改\EveryShipout,因为它是分组的。您可以对 进行类似的修改\marginparwidth


解决这个问题的关键是mparhack包,如果没有这个包,问题更新中带圆圈的边距 par 就会出现在页面的错误一侧。mparhack包重新定义了\@addmarginpar命令,使其具有:

    \c@page=\mph@pg@new     % At this point, \c@page is correct
    \mph@orig@addmarginpar  % This typesets the note using \marginparsep


可以将类似的补丁应用于 来\@mn@@@marginnote解决 的问题marginnote\kern\marginparsep用条件语句替换。这有点棘手,因为有几个地方需要更改,所以我们使用递归应用补丁的技巧,直到 失败\patchcmd(之后没有剩余的补丁)。



\usepackage{lipsum}% http://ctan.org/pkg/lipsum


% First we patch \@addmarginpar
% The \patchcmd command does a search and replace. 
\patchcmd{\@addmarginpar}                 % In this command
         {\mph@orig@addmarginpar}         % ... replace this...
         {\if@twoside\ifodd\c@page\relax  % ... with this
              \marginparsep=\marginparsepodd  % Page is odd
              \marginparsep=\marginparsepeven  % Page is even
         {}                                           % success
         {\message{Error! Couldn't hook into command  % failure

% Now we patch \@mn@@@marginnote
{%% Group to keep patching commands local
  % Here we use a little trick to repeatedly patch the \@mn@@@marginnote
  % command, replacing all instances of \kern\marginparsep with a
  % conditional. We call \patch recursively each time on success, and stop
  % when the patch fails (because all instances have been replaced).  If the
  % patch fails the first time, we show an error message.
    \message{Error! Couldn't hook into command `\string\@mn@@@marginnote'}}
    \let\patcherr\relax % Only display error if first patch fails
    \patch              % Now patch again.
    \patchcmd{\@mn@@@marginnote}                   % In this command
             {\kern\marginparsep}                  % ... replace this...
             {\ifx\@mn@currpage\relax\else         % ... with this
             {\message{Patched!}\patchok}          % success (recurse)
             {\patcherr}                           % fail 
  \message{Patching `\string\@mn@@@marginnote`!}
  \global\let\@mn@@@marginnote\@mn@@@marginnote    % Make patch global

\marginpar[This is a paragraph in the left margin]{This is a paragraph in the right margin}

  \def\do#1{\item This is a line #1 and should have a note with the same
    number:\marginpar{Note #1 and a bit.}}

\marginpar[This is a paragraph in the left margin]{This is a paragraph in the right margin}

