TikZ 光学库?

TikZ 光学库?



pstricks 中有一个大型图书馆 - 也许它会有所帮助。 http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-optic



正如您所说,我之前开始做一些事情,但当时我没有足够的 tikz/pgf 知识来解决我发现的一些困难。



  \node[converging lens,anchor=center,image focal length=2.5cm] (L1) at (0,0)
  \node[diverging lens,anchor=center,image focal length=-1.5cm] (L2)
    at ($(L1.center)!5cm!(L1.optical axis forward)$) {$\mathcal{L}_2$};

  \node[object for lens=L1,height=1.5cm,anchor=bottom] (Object1) at
      length}!(L1.optical axis forward)$) {};
  \draw[LR>] (Object1.top) -- ($(L1.top)!(Object1.top)!(L1.bottom)$)
    -- (Object1.image top by L1);
  \draw[LR>>] (Object1.top) -- (L1.center) -- (Object1.image top by L1);
  \draw[LR>>>] (Object1.top) -- 
    ($(L1.top)!(Object1.image top by L1)!(L1.bottom)$) -- 
    (Object1.image top by L1);

  \node[object for lens=L2,height={TO BE COMPUTED},anchor=bottom] (Object2) at
    (Object1.image top by L1) {};

其中一个不太容易的部分是让锚点名称取决于节点名称(如上例所示Object1.image top by L1)。还应该能够知道图像是真实的还是虚拟的,并一致地绘制光线(LR)。

不幸的是,时间不够让我想到了一个更简陋的解决方案。这里我给出了一个(太冗长了?)使用 tikz(不是库而是一种模板)可以做什么的示例:





\pgfdeclareshape{mark point +}{%
  \inheritsavedanchors[from=mark point |]

% Light rays

  LRnoarrow/.style = {thick,gray,nearly opaque},
  LR/.style 2 args = {%
    decoration={markings,mark=at position #2 with {\arrow{#1};}},
  VirtualLR/.style = {LRnoarrow,dashed},
  LR>/.style = {LR={>}{#1}},
  LR>/.default = {0.5},
  LR>>/.style = {LR={>>}{#1}},
  LR>>/.default = {0.55},
  LR>>>/.style = {LR={>>>}{#1}},
  LR>>>/.default = {0.6},
  LR>>>>/.style = {LR={>>>>}{#1}},
  LR>>>>/.default = {0.65},
  ConvergingLens/.style = {ultra thick,<->},
  DivergingLens/.style = {ultra thick,>-<},
  OpticalAxis/.style = {very thick,->},
  Object/.style = {very thick,->},
  VirtualObject/.style = {very thick,->,dashed}}

% Annotate an angle
\pgfkeysdef{/tikz/mark angle/start angle}{\tikzset{start angle=#1}}
\pgfkeysdef{/tikz/mark angle/end angle}{\tikzset{end angle=#1}}
\pgfkeysdef{/tikz/mark angle/angle radius}{\tikzset{radius=#1}}
\pgfkeyssetvalue{/tikz/mark angle/label radius}{1cm}
\pgfkeyssetvalue{/tikz/mark angle/label pos}{.5}
\pgfkeyssetvalue{/tikz/mark angle/node options}{}
\pgfkeyssetvalue{/tikz/mark angle/path options}{}
  % #1 optional parameters
  % #2 coordinate of the center
  % #3 coordinate giving the start direction
  % #4 coordinate giving the end direction
  % #5 label
    \coordinate (xCJtikz@AngleCenter) at (#2);
    \coordinate (xCJtikz@AngleStart) at (#3);
    \coordinate (xCJtikz@AngleEnd) at (#4);
    \ifdim\AngleEnd pt<\AngleStart pt\relax
      /tikz/mark angle/.cd,
      angle radius=1cm,
      label radius=1.2cm,
      label pos=.5,
      start angle=\AngleStart,
      end angle=\AngleEnd,
        \noexpand\draw[\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mark angle/path options}]
          radius}!(xCJtikz@AngleStart)\noexpand$) arc;
        \noexpand\node[\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mark angle/node options}] at
          angle/label pos}*\AngleEnd-\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mark
          angle/label pos}*\AngleStart:\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mark angle/label radius})\noexpand$)}%


  \coordinate (OpticalAxisLeft) at (0,0);
  \coordinate (OpticalAxisRight) at ($(OpticalAxisLeft)+(13,0)$);
  \draw[OpticalAxis] (OpticalAxisLeft) -- (OpticalAxisRight);
  % Lens 1
  \coordinate[label=below left:$O_1$] (Center1) at
  \coordinate[label=above:$\mathcal{L}_1$] (Top1) at
  \coordinate (Bottom1) at ($(Center1)!-1!(Top1)$);
  \draw[ConvergingLens] (Bottom1) -- (Top1);
  (ObjectFocus1) at
  ($(Center1)!-\FocalLengthOne!(OpticalAxisRight)$) {}; 
  \node[mark point +,label=above left:$F'_1$] (ImageFocus1) at
  ($(Center1)!\FocalLengthOne!(OpticalAxisRight)$) {}; 
  \coordinate (ImageFocalPlane1Top) at
  \coordinate (ImageFocalPlane1Bottom) at
  % Lens 2
  \coordinate[label=below left:$O_2$] (Center2) at
  \coordinate[label=above:$\mathcal{L}_2$] (Top2) at
  \coordinate (Bottom2) at ($(Center2)!-1!(Top2)$);
  \draw[DivergingLens] (Bottom2) -- (Top2);
  \node[mark point +,label=below:$F_2'$] (ImageFocus2) at 
  ($(Center2)!\FocalLengthTwo!(OpticalAxisRight)$) {}; 
  \coordinate[label=below left:$F_2$] (ObjectFocus2) at
  ($(Center2)!-\FocalLengthTwo!(OpticalAxisRight)$) {}; 
  \coordinate (ImageFocalPlane2Top) at
  \coordinate (ImageFocalPlane2Bottom) at
  % Object at infinity
  \coordinate (LRBegin) at
  \coordinate (temp) at ($(LRBegin)+(-\ObjectAngle:1)$);
  \coordinate (IncidencePoint) at (intersection cs: first line =
  {(Top1) -- (Bottom1)}, second line = {(LRBegin) -- (temp)});
  \coordinate (LRThroughCenter1Begin) at
  \coordinate (Image1Top) at (intersection cs: first line =
  {(LRThroughCenter1Begin) -- (Center1)}, second line =
  {(ImageFocalPlane1Top) -- (ImageFocalPlane1Bottom)});
  \draw[red,dotted,thick] (ImageFocalPlane1Top) --
  \draw[red,dotted,thick] (LRThroughCenter1Begin) --
  \node[coordinate,label=below right:$B_1$] at (Image1Top) {};
  \node[coordinate,label=below right:$A_1$] at (ImageFocus1) {};
  \draw[Object,semitransparent] (ImageFocus1) -- (Image1Top);
  \coordinate (LRIntersectionWithLens2) at
  (intersection cs: first line = {(Top2) -- (Bottom2)}, second line
  = {(IncidencePoint) -- (Image1Top)});
  \coordinate (LRThroughCenter2Begin) at
  \coordinate[label=above right:$I$]
  (LRThroughCenter2IntersectionWithImageFocalPlane2) at 
  (intersection cs: first line = {(ImageFocalPlane2Top) --
    (ImageFocalPlane2Bottom)}, second line =
  {(LRThroughCenter2Begin) -- (Center2)});
  \coordinate (Image1Bottom) at
  \coordinate (Image1TopOnLens2) at
  \draw[LR>] (LRBegin) -- node[above,sloped]
  {$\leftarrow B_{\infty}$} (IncidencePoint);
  \draw[LR>] (IncidencePoint) -- (LRIntersectionWithLens2);
  \draw[dotted] (LRIntersectionWithLens2) -- (Image1Top);
  \draw[blue,dotted,thick] (ImageFocalPlane2Top) --
  -- (Center2); 
  (LRIntersectionWithLens2)$) -- node[above,sloped,very near start]
  {$\leftarrow B'_{\infty}$} (LRIntersectionWithLens2); 
  \draw[LR>] (LRIntersectionWithLens2) --
  \coordinate (PictureBottomLeft) at (OpticalAxisLeft |-
  \coordinate (PictureTopRight) at (OpticalAxisRight |- Top2);
  \draw[ultra thin,semitransparent] ($(PictureBottomLeft)+(0,-.5)$)
  grid[step=1mm] ($(PictureTopRight)+(0,.5)$);
  \draw[very thin,semitransparent] ($(PictureBottomLeft)+(0,-.5)$)
  grid[step=5mm] ($(PictureTopRight)+(0,.5)$);
  \draw[thin,semitransparent] ($(PictureBottomLeft)+(0,-.5)$)
  grid[step=1cm] ($(PictureTopRight)+(0,.5)$);
  \coordinate (Image1TopOnLens1) at ($(Top1)!(Image1Top)!(Bottom1)$);
  \draw[LR>>] ($(Image1TopOnLens1)!1cm!(ObjectFocus1)$) --
  \draw[LR>>] (Image1TopOnLens1) -- (Image1TopOnLens2);
  \draw[LR>>] (Image1TopOnLens2) -- ($(Image1TopOnLens2)!-.3!(ImageFocus2)$);
  \draw[VirtualLR] (Image1TopOnLens2) --
  \tikzMarkAngle[path options={<-,DarkOrange}]%
  \tikzMarkAngle[path options={<-,DarkOrange}]%
  \tikzMarkAngle[path options={<-,DarkOrange}]%




这是我使用 TikZ 与calcintersection库的解决方案。

\documentclass{standalone}% or wathever you want

% load packages
\usepackage{tikz, xcolor}
% load libraries

% define light and dark gray

% make some settings
    % style for the intersecting path, which
    % are nessesary for the calculation but
    % shouldn't be drawn in the final image
%       draw,% comment this aout after construction
    % style for an arrow used as object
    optical arrow/.style={%
        inner sep=3pt,
        shape=single arrow,
        minimum width=0.5cm,
        minimum height=1.5cm,
        outer sep=0pt,
        shape border rotate=90,
    % style for the virtual image
    virtual optical arrow/.style={%
        inner sep=3pt,
        shape=single arrow,
        minimum width=0.5cm,
        minimum height=1.5cm,
        outer sep=0pt,
        shape border rotate=90,
    % style for the mirror
        line width=2pt,
    % style for the axis
    optical axis/.style={%
    % style for light rays
    % style for imagined rays, which ar not real
    % but help by constructin the image
    imagined ray/.style={%
        ray, dgray, -,
    % alias
    virtual ray/.style={imagined ray},
    % style for (focal) points
        inner sep=1pt,
        minimum size=2pt,
        outer sep=2pt

% set three layers
% and define shortcuts to access them

    % define the bounding box is nessesarx because the ipaths
    % make it bigger than needed
    \path [use as bounding box] (-5.2,-5) rectangle (6.2,5);
    % define variables, you may vary them a little
    %% radius
    %% focal distancs = \radius/2
    %% object size
    %% object width
    % draw mirror
    %% the extra ipath is nessesary to get nicer rays
    \path [ipath, name path=M] (\radius,0) ++(90:\radius)
          arc (90:270:\radius);
        \draw [mirror] (\radiusII-0.05,0) ++(130:\radiusII)
              arc (130:240:\radiusII);
    % draw focal point
    \node (B) at (\focal,0) [point] {};
    % draw object
    \node (O) [optical arrow,anchor=tail, minimum height=\size] %
          at (\owidth,0) {};
    %% description
    \node [above right] at (O.tip) {object};
    % rays
    %% draw axis ray
    \draw [ray] (O.tip) -- (0,0) -- ($(0,0)!3!(\owidth,-\size)$);
    %% draw parallel ray
    \path [ipath, name path=PS] (O.tip) -- ++(-3,0);
    \draw [ray, name intersections={of=M and PS, by=M-PS}]
        (O.tip) -- (M-PS) -- ($(M-PS)!2!(B)$);
    %% caculate virtual axis ray
    \path [ipath, name path=AS-V] ($(0,0)!-4!(\owidth,-\size)$) -- (0,0);
    %% calculate virtual parallel ray
    \path [ipath, name path=PS-V] ($(M-PS)!-4!(B)$) -- (M-PS);
    %% draw virtual axis ray
    \draw [imagined ray, name intersections={of=AS-V and PS-V, by=Tip-V}]
        (Tip-V) -- (0,0);
    %% draw virtual axis ray
    \draw [imagined ray] (Tip-V) -- (M-PS);
    % draw virtual object
    \bglayer{\path let \p{1}=(Tip-V) in 
        (Tip-V) node (V) [minimum height=\size,
                          virtual optical arrow,anchor=tip
                         ] {};}
    %% description
    \path (V.west) node [left] {virtual image};
    % draw optical axis
    \fglayer{\draw [optical axis] (-5,0) --++(11,0);}

宽度绘制的 ipath







  optics/.is family,
  % Thin centered optical system
  optical system/.is family,
  optical system/.cd,
  image focal length/.initial = 1.5cm,
  object focal length/.initial = -1.5cm,
  upper height/.initial = 1.25cm,
  lower height/.initial = -1.25cm,

  % Object
  object/.is family,
  is object for/.initial = a,
  height/.initial = 1cm,

\pgfdeclareshape{thin centered optical system}{%
        /tikz/optics/optical system/upper height}}}
        /tikz/optics/optical system/lower height}}}
        /tikz/optics/optical system/image focal length}}}
        /tikz/optics/optical system/object focal length}}}
  % Center
  % Top
  % Bottom
  % Principal image focus
  \anchor{principal image focus}{\principalimagefocus}
  % Principal object focus
  \anchor{principal object focus}{\principalobjectfocus}

\pgfdeclareshape{converging lens}{%
        /tikz/optics/optical system/upper height}}}
        /tikz/optics/optical system/lower height}}}
        /tikz/optics/optical system/image focal length}}}
  \inheritsavedanchors[from=thin centered optical system]
  \inheritanchor[from=thin centered optical system]{center}
  \inheritanchor[from=thin centered optical system]{top}
  \inheritanchor[from=thin centered optical system]{bottom}
  \inheritanchor[from=thin centered optical system]{principal image focus}
  \inheritanchor[from=thin centered optical system]{principal object focus}

      \pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/optics/object/is object for}}}
      \csname pgf@sh@ma@\isobjectfor\endcsname
  % Bottom
  % Top
  % Optical system center
  \anchor{optical system center}{\opticalsystemcenter}
  % Top on optical system
    % This allows to define \savedanchors in terms of other saved anchors.
  \anchor{top on optical system}{\toponopticalsystem}
  % Image top
    % This allows to define \savedanchors in terms of other saved anchors.
      \pgfpointanchor{\isobjectfor}{principal image focus}}{%
  \anchor{image top}{\imagetop}
  % Image top on optical system
    % This allows to define \savedanchors in terms of other saved anchors.
  \anchor{image top on optical system}{\imagetoponopticalsystem}

% Light rays



  > = stealth,
  LRnoarrow/.style = {thick,gray,nearly opaque},
  LR/.style 2 args = {%
    decoration = {markings,mark=at position #2 with {\arrow{#1};}},
    postaction = {decorate},
  VirtualLR/.style = {LRnoarrow,dashed},
  LR>/.style = {LR={>}{#1}},
  LR>/.default = {0.5},
  LR>>/.style = {LR={>>}{#1}},
  LR>>/.default = {0.55},
  LR>>>/.style = {LR={>>>}{#1}},
  LR>>>/.default = {0.6},




\begin{tikzpicture}%[rotate=45,transform shape]
  \node[draw,shape=converging lens,
        optics/optical system/image focal length = 1cm,
        optics/optical system/upper height = 2cm,
        optics/optical system/lower height = -2cm] (L) at (2,0) {};
  \draw[thick,->,-stealth] ($(L)!5cm!90:(L.top)$) coordinate (OpticalAxisLeft) 
        -- ($(L)!5cm!-90:(L.top)$) coordinate (OpticalAxisRight);
        shape = object,
        optics/object/is object for = L] (O) at (-1,0) {};
  \fill[red] (L.principal image focus) circle[radius=2pt];
  \fill[blue] (O.optical system center) circle[radius=2pt];
  \fill[green] (O.top on optical system) circle[radius=2pt];
  \fill[yellow] (O.image top) circle[radius=2pt];
  \draw[LR>] (O.top) -- (O.top on optical system) -- (O.image top);
  \draw[LR>>] (O.top) -- (O.image top);
  \draw[LR>>>] (O.top) -- (O.image top on optical system) -- (O.image top);

