有没有一种简单的方法来标记 LaTeX 文档中的内容?

有没有一种简单的方法来标记 LaTeX 文档中的内容?




你可以将标签放入“目录”中。我采纳了 egreg 的妙招,将每个标签放入ToC 文件,然后反复重读,每次都停用“错误”的标签。这要求我\input手动读取 ToC 文件,从而绕过通常的机制\listofX(此处,X = 标签),实际上创建这个文件(或者覆盖它,这就是为什么我不能多次使用它),所以我包含了一个相当多余的功能,即使用这个宏在底部(在它们的引用列表下面)打印所有标签的简单列表,以便一切都正确设置。

我最近读了一个答案(我相信是 Ahmed Musa 写的),它使用环境{filecontents}来构建一个内联包,因为这显然是呈现这种示例的正确方法,所以我也在这里使用它。


% Here's the package file

% Declare the master TOC.  This will contain:
% * A list of tags
% * A sequence of entries where tags are referenced
% and it will be used multiple times to generate lists of tag usage
\newlistof{tags}{tags}{All tags}
\renewcommand*\cfttagstitlefont{\Large\bfseries}% For example

% Use this in the preamble to make a new tag.
 \addtocontents{tags}{(#1) }%
% This is only true when printing the list of tags
% This makes sure that the list of tags is not printed most of the time...
% ...because it wraps the entire TOC from the preamble

% This is a rather inefficient way to selectively print particular tags.
% Presumably, I should just pop each tag from the list as I go,
% but etoolbox doesn't seem to handle stacks.  Probably I'm missing something.
 \expandafter\let\csname l@tag#1\endcsname=\@gobbletwo
 \expandafter\let\csname l@tag#1\endcsname=\l@section

% These are hooks for the user
% This prints all the references to a particular tag.
% Effectively, it's a partial ToC for that tag.
% This prints the snippets, placed (with repeats) beneath their tags.
% It also prints a list of defined tags, more or less as an excuse
% to have \listoftags handle the .tags auxiliary ToC file.

% This is how to proclaim a snippet, which is what gets tagged.
\newcommand*\snippettitle{\thesnippet. \snippetname}

% In case of no hyperref
% This is how you place a tag beneath a snippet.
 \phantomsection% In case of hyperref


\renewcommand*\listoftagstitle{Snippets tagged with \currenttag}
% Preferred way to declare tags.  They will be printed in this order.


 \snippet{First snippet}


 \snippet{Second snippet}
 \placetag{A} \placetag{B}


只是为了提出 Ryan 的优秀解决方案的另一种方法。

这类问题中,TeX 轻而易举地击败了 Python。TeX 提供了一种使用 来自动创建控制序列的方法\csname...\endcsname。我们利用这一点为每个单独的标签创建一个宏,该宏将保存每个标签包含的部分列表。





我们定义宏来以类似于的方式标记某个部分,\index通过将其调用为\tag{tag name}

MWE 如下所示:

\def\tags{Physics,Computer Science,Chemistry,}
%% sorts the tags for later on
%% we automatically create macros for each tag
%% Make macros to hold the lists for each tag

%% we now print the tags or save them to a file
  \section*{The Tags}  
     \ifx\next\@empty\else\next: See Section(s) \@nameuse{\next}\par\fi
% add some tags
% test to see everything ok and list is sorted   
% example text    
   \section{D E Knuth}
      \tag{Computer Science}\tag{Art}
      \tag{Computer Science}
%% prints the tags with the sections




我不知道 egreg 会如何处理\do此解决方案中的一个 ' 中的 16 个井号字符,但目的是使用作为章节编号的最后一个连接词。

            \tagnameformat{####1}: %
            See section\ifnum\reservedc=\@ne\else s\fi~%
                \iflastindris\@space and\@space\else,\@space\fi
    \@latex@error{Wrong location of '\string\printtags'}\@ehc

\tags{Physics, Mathematics, Physics}

\section{D E Knuth}
\tags{Computer Science, Art, Physics}

\tags{Mathematics, Art}

\tag{Computer Science}

\tags{Art, Physics}

\tags{Chemistry, Literature, Art}




