定义 \newcommand 中的换行规则

定义 \newcommand 中的换行规则



但是,由于这是用户定义的命令,LaTeX 似乎没有将其考虑在何时开始新行的计算中。例如,如果我写:

This is a long line and the blank line at the end is going to run off the page \blank{6cm}



\newcommand{\blank}[1]{\rule[-3pt]{#1}{0.4pt}}  % nice blank underscores
Here is my proof:
\item This is a long line and the blank line is going to run off \blank{8cm}
\item This is the second line.

即使空白行没有超出页面范围,我仍然会在证明中枚举overfull hbox每个实例时收到警告。\blank




这是以\filbreakTeXbook 中的宏为模型的。

默认惩罚为 100,不鼓励换行。紧急情况下,您可以插入不同的惩罚作为可选参数:




下面的例子显示了\IntRule,如果行中有足够的空间,它将在文本后立即排版规则;否则,该行将移至新行。主要代码来自 Martin Scharrer 对有没有办法测量一行文本的剩余空间?




\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
    % Helper nodes
    \path (current page.north west) ++(\hoffset, -\voffset)
        node[anchor=north west, shape=rectangle, inner sep=0, minimum width=\paperwidth, minimum height=\paperheight]
        (pagearea) {};

    \path (pagearea.north west) ++(1in+\currentsidemargin,-1in-\topmargin-\headheight-\headsep)
        node[anchor=north west, shape=rectangle, inner sep=0, minimum width=\textwidth, minimum height=\textheight]
        (textarea) {};

    % Measure distance to right text border
    \path let \p0 = (0,0), \p1 = (textarea.east) in




This is a long line and the blank line at the end is not going to run off\IntRule{6cm}

This is a short line \IntRule{6cm}

This is a long line and the blank line at the end is not going to run off\IntRule{1cm}

This is a short line \IntRule{\textwidth}

Here is my proof:
\item This is a long line and the black line is not going to run off \IntRule{8cm}
\item This is the second line.






\usepackage{amsthm}% http://ctan.org/pkg/amsthm
\usepackage{linegoal}% http://ctan.org/pkg/linegoal
\usepackage{ifthen}% http://ctan.org/pkg/ifthen

  \setlength{\remainder}{\linegoal}% Store remaining line dimension


This is a long line and the blank line at the end is not going to run off\blank{6cm}

This is a short line \blank{6cm}

This is a long line and the blank line at the end is not going to run off\blank{1cm}

This is a short line \blank{\textwidth}

Here is my proof:
\item This is a long line and the black line is not going to run off \blank{8cm}
\item This is the second line.


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