`ntheorem` 和 `thmtools` 似乎不兼容

`ntheorem` 和 `thmtools` 似乎不兼容

我正在为我的论文准备定理环境的设置。我想在我的文档中有 200 个这样的环境之前完成此操作,因为更改它们可能会在那个阶段破坏一切。


  • cleveref. 要使用大写/小写引用,复数形式也一样
  • thmtools因为它提供了一个接口来cleveref定义复数名称
  • 正确放置结束标记。因此,结束标记应与文本的最后一行出现在同一行(即使它是 displaymath 或itemize/ enumerate


目前我已将thmtools用作amsthm后端。它与 配合得很好cleveref



但是当我用列表结束我的定义时,guillemet («) 被放在新行上。显然不是我想要的 (-;


\declaretheorem key `qed' not known.


一位 MWE 表示:

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsfonts, amsthm}
         headformat={\makebox[0pt][r]{\NUMBER\quad}\NAME \NOTE}
         headformat={\makebox[0pt][r]{\NUMBER\quad}\NAME \NOTE}

%% Math macro stuff to make this compile
\DeclareMathOperator{\Spec}{Spec}       % Spectrum


A \emph{group variety over $k$} is an integral group scheme of finite type over $\Spec k$.

Let $k$ be a field and $R$ a commutative $k$-algebra.
    \item The varieties $\Ga_{k} = \Spec k[x]$ and $\Gm_{k} = \Spec k[x,y]/(xy - 1)$ are group varieties. Indeed, $\Ga_{k}(R)$ is the additive group underlying $R$, and $\Gm_{k}(R) = R^*$ is the group of units in $R$.
    \item The variety $\M_{n,k} = \Spec k[(x_{ij})_{ij}]$ is a group variety. Also the closed sub variety $\GL_{n,k}$ defined by the polynomial $\det \left( (x_{ij})_{ij} \right) - 1$ is a group variety. The $R$-valued points are the $n \times n$-matrices $\M_{n,k}(R)$ with coefficients in $R$, and $\GL_{n,k}(R)$ consists of the invertible matrices respectively. Observe that $\Gm_{k} = \GL_{1,k}$.
    \item The variety $\mu_{n,k} = \Spec k[x]/(x^n -1)$ is a group variety, and $\mu_{n,k}(R)$ consists of the group of $n$-th roots of unity in $R$.
    \item An elliptic curve over $k$ is defined as a proper variety $E/k$ that is smooth of relative dimension $1$, of which the geometric fibre $E_{\ol{k}}$ has genus $1$, together with a given point $0 \in E(k)$. It can be shown that every elliptic curve is a group variety. Actually they form an important class of objects in the study of abelian varieties.





  1. 命令\NAME\NUMBER\NOTE将不再可用。

  2. 为了模拟所需的头部格式,您可以使用该headformat=swapnumber选项,但这样您就失去了更改头部格式的灵活性。

  3. qed=\text{\guillemotleft}必须使用 in\declaretheoremstyle而不是 in选项\declaretheorem(无论如何,这都是有意义的)。

  4. 您的proof环境必须单独定义。


\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}





%% Math macro stuff to make this compile
\DeclareMathOperator{\Spec}{Spec}       % Spectrum


A \emph{group variety over $k$} is an integral group scheme of finite type over $\Spec k$.


Let $k$ be a field and $R$ a commutative $k$-algebra.
    \item The varieties $\Ga_{k} = \Spec k[x]$ and $\Gm_{k} = \Spec k[x,y]/(xy - 1)$ are group varieties. Indeed, $\Ga_{k}(R)$ is the additive group underlying $R$, and $\Gm_{k}(R) = R^*$ is the group of units in $R$.
    \item The variety $\M_{n,k} = \Spec k[(x_{ij})_{ij}]$ is a group variety. Also the closed sub variety $\GL_{n,k}$ defined by the polynomial $\det \left( (x_{ij})_{ij} \right) - 1$ is a group variety. The $R$-valued points are the $n \times n$-matrices $\M_{n,k}(R)$ with coefficients in $R$, and $\GL_{n,k}(R)$ consists of the invertible matrices respectively. Observe that $\Gm_{k} = \GL_{1,k}$.
    \item The variety $\mu_{n,k} = \Spec k[x]/(x^n -1)$ is a group variety, and $\mu_{n,k}(R)$ consists of the group of $n$-th roots of unity in $R$.
    \item An elliptic curve over $k$ is defined as a proper variety $E/k$ that is smooth of relative dimension $1$, of which the geometric fibre $E_{\ol{k}}$ has genus $1$, together with a given point $0 \in E(k)$. It can be shown that every elliptic curve is a group variety. Actually they form an important class of objects in the study of abelian varieties.






第二个问题:“\guillemotleft编码 OT1 时命令不可用”。

无论如何,该命令\qedhere是在 2003 年开发的,amsthm用于解决当证明以显示或列表结束时的“换行”问题;它必须在\end{...}嵌入元素(equation和朋友或itemize)的命令之前输入。碰巧的是,thmtools这也适用于定理类对象,但如果您想要预定义框以外的符号,则必须重新定义\qedsymbol

