如何在图例中使用多个 pgfplotstable 列?

如何在图例中使用多个 pgfplotstable 列?

我想使用groupplots库绘制几组数据pgfplots。在每个图上,我想添加一些其他数据,这些数据在各个图中不会发生变化。因此,我将绘图命令放在一个\foreach循环中,但我无法从描述这些额外数据的输入表中获取图例条目。我尝试了类似于使用表格的第一行作为 pgfplot 图中的图例条目?,但它无法编译(当第二次解析引用时它不喜欢\colname)。




\pgfplotsset{% global config
  every minor tick={very thin, gray},
  minor tick num=4,
  group style={
    xlabels at=edge bottom,
    ylabels at=edge left},
  every axis legend/.append style={
    legend cell align=left,
    legend columns=4

  Time      {Model A}   {Model G}   {Model Z}
  0         1           1           1
  1         1           2           2
  2         2           3           3
  3         3           4           4
  4         5           5           8
  5         8           6           10
  6         13          7           16

  Time      {Data 1}  {Data 2}
  0         1.3       2.3
  1         2.6       3.6
  2         3.8       4.8
  3         7.9       5.9
  4         6.3       7.3
  5         7.5       6.5
  6         9.0       8.9



      every axis title shift=0,
      legend to name=grouplegend]

        \nextgroupplot[title=Data $#1$]

        % Models
        \foreach \y in {1, 2, 3} {
          \addplot [smooth, dashed, color=DarkRed]
            table[x index=0, y index=\y] {\modeltable};
          %\addlegendentry {\colname}

        % Data
        \addplot [only marks, mark=o]
          table[x index=0, y index=#1] {\datatable};
        \addlegendentry {Data}


    \node (dummytitle) at ($(group c1r1.north)!0.5!(group c2r1.north)$)
    \node (title) at (dummytitle.north)
      [above, yshift=\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/every axis title shift}]
      {Experimental Data};

    \node (legend) at ($(group c1r1.south)!0.5!(group c2r1.south)$)
      [below, yshift=-2\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/every axis title shift}]





默认情况下,使用 添加的条目不会展开,因此它们都只在调用图例时\addlegendentry组成,这超出了定义的范围。可以通过改用 来解决这个问题。\colname\colname\addlegendentryexpanded{...}

我还擅自在图例条目之间添加了一点空间(如如何调整 PGFPlots 中图例条目之间的水平间距?):



\pgfplotsset{% global config
  every minor tick={very thin, gray},
  minor tick num=4,
  group style={
    xlabels at=edge bottom,
    ylabels at=edge left},
  every axis legend/.append style={
    legend cell align=left,
    legend columns=4

  Time      {Model A}   {Model G}   {Model Z}
  0         1           1           1
  1         1           2           2
  2         2           3           3
  3         3           4           4
  4         5           5           8
  5         8           6           10
  6         13          7           16

  Time      {Data 1}  {Data 2}
  0         1.3       2.3
  1         2.6       3.6
  2         3.8       4.8
  3         7.9       5.9
  4         6.3       7.3
  5         7.5       6.5
  6         9.0       8.9



      every axis title shift=0,
      legend to name=grouplegend,
      legend style={/tikz/every even column/.append style={column sep=0.5cm}}

        \nextgroupplot[title=Data $#1$]

        % Models
        \foreach \y in {1, 2, 3} {
          \addplot [smooth, dashed, color=DarkRed]
            table[x index=0, y index=\y] {\modeltable};


        % Data
        \addplot [only marks, mark=o]
          table[x index=0, y index=#1] {\datatable};
        \addlegendentry {Data}


    \node (dummytitle) at ($(group c1r1.north)!0.5!(group c2r1.north)$)
    \node (title) at (dummytitle.north)
      [above, yshift=\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/every axis title shift}]
      {Experimental Data};

    \node (legend) at ($(group c1r1.south)!0.5!(group c2r1.south)$)
      [below, yshift=-2\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/every axis title shift}]


