这是一个 Sketch/TikZ 方法。
def helix {
def n_segs 600
sweep [draw=orange] { n_segs, rotate(24*360 / n_segs, (1.5,0,0), [0,0,1]), rotate(1*360/n_segs, (0,0,0), [0,1,0]) } (2.01,0,0)
def torus {
def n_segs 60
sweep [draw=none, fill=cyan, fill opacity=0.75] {n_segs, rotate(360/n_segs, (0,0,0), [0,1,0])}
sweep {n_segs, rotate(360/n_segs, (1.5,0,0), [0,0,1])}
put { view((10,4,2)) } {{helix} {torus}}
global { language tikz }
可以使用 进行编译的文件pdflatex
螺旋线缠绕在圆环上 螺旋线缠绕在圆环上
def helix {
def n_segs 10000
sweep [draw=orange] {
rotate(1000*360 / n_segs, (2,0,0), [0,1,0]),
rotate(24*360 / n_segs, (1.5,0,0), [0,0,1]),
rotate(1*360/n_segs, (0,0,0), [0,1,0])
} (2.04,0,0)
def torus {
def n_segs 50
sweep [draw=none, fill=cyan, fill opacity=0.75] {n_segs, rotate(360/n_segs, (0,0,0), [0,1,0])}
sweep {n_segs, rotate(360/n_segs, (1.5,0,0), [0,0,1])}
put { view((10,4,2)) } {{torus} {helix}}
global { language tikz }
x(u,v)=(R1 + (R0 +RL*sin(u))*sin(k*v))*cos(v)-RL*cos(u)*sin(v)
y(u,v)=(R1 + (R0 +RL*sin(u))*sin(k*v))*sin(v)+RL*cos(u)*cos(v)
z(u,v)=(R0 + RL*sin(u))*cos(k*v)
\psset{viewpoint=30 0 15 rtp2xyz,Decran=30,lightsrc=viewpoint}
\psSolid[object=tore,r1=5,r0=1,ngrid=36 36,
\codejps{/R1 5 def /RL 0.05 def /R0 1.1 def /k 25 def}%
{(R1 + (R0 +RL*sin(u))*sin(k*v))*cos(v)-RL*cos(u)*sin(v)}
{(R1 + (R0 +RL*sin(u))*sin(k*v))*sin(v)+RL*cos(u)*cos(v)}
{(R0 + RL*sin(u))*cos(k*v)}
base=0 6.2831853 0 6.2831853,
ngrid=0.8 0.01,function=helix,action=none,name=Helix]%
\psSolid[object=fusion,base=Torus Helix,grid=false]
\psset{viewpoint=30 0 90 rtp2xyz,Decran=30,lightsrc=viewpoint}
\psSolid[object=tore,r1=5,r0=1,ngrid=36 36,
\codejps{/R1 5 def /RL 0.05 def /R0 1.1 def /k 25 def}%
{(R1 + (R0 +RL*sin(u))*sin(k*v))*cos(v)-RL*cos(u)*sin(v)}
{(R1 + (R0 +RL*sin(u))*sin(k*v))*sin(v)+RL*cos(u)*cos(v)}
{(R0 + RL*sin(u))*cos(k*v)}
base=0 6.2831853 0 6.2831853,
ngrid=0.8 0.01,function=helix,action=none,name=Helix]%
\psSolid[object=fusion,base=Torus Helix,grid=false]
通过\psSolid[object=fusion,base=Torus Helix,grid=false,opacity=0.5]
\psset{viewpoint=30 0 15 rtp2xyz,Decran=30,lightsrc=viewpoint}
\psSolid[object=tore,r1=5,r0=1,ngrid=36 36,tablez=0 0.05 1 {} for,
zcolor= 1 .5 .5 .5 .5 1,action=none,name=Torus]
\pstVerb{/R1 5 def /R0 1.2 def /k 20 def /RL 0.15 def /kRL 40 def}%
range=0 6.2831853,
\psSolid[object=fusion,base=Torus Helix,grid]
这是允许 n 阶螺旋的渐近线方法。我展示了一阶螺旋(绕圆环一圈,如原始问题中所示)、二阶螺旋和三阶螺旋的示例。
settings.outformat = "png";
settings.render = 16;
settings.prc = false;
real unit = 2cm;
import graph3;
void drawsafe(path3 longpath, pen p, int maxlength = 400) {
int length = length(longpath);
if (length <= maxlength) draw(longpath, p);
else {
int divider = floor(length/2);
drawsafe(subpath(longpath, 0, divider), p=p, maxlength=maxlength);
drawsafe(subpath(longpath, divider, length), p=p, maxlength=maxlength);
struct helix {
path3 center;
path3 helix;
int numloops;
int pointsperloop = 12;
/* t should range from 0 to 1*/
triple centerpoint(real t) {
return point(center, t*length(center));
triple helixpoint(real t) {
return point(helix, t*length(helix));
triple helixdirection(real t) {
return dir(helix, t*length(helix));
/* the vector from the center point to the point on the helix */
triple displacement(real t) {
return helixpoint(t) - centerpoint(t);
bool iscyclic() {
return cyclic(helix);
path3 operator cast(helix h) {
return h.helix;
helix helixcircle(triple c = O, real r = 1, triple normal = Z) {
helix toreturn;
toreturn.center = c;
toreturn.helix = Circle(c=O, r=r, normal=normal, n=toreturn.pointsperloop);
toreturn.numloops = 1;
return toreturn;
helix helixAbout(helix center, int numloops, real radius) {
helix toreturn;
toreturn.numloops = numloops;
from toreturn unravel pointsperloop;
toreturn.center = center.helix;
int n = numloops * pointsperloop;
triple[] newhelix;
for (int i = 0; i <= n; ++i) {
real theta = (i % pointsperloop) * 2pi / pointsperloop;
real t = i / n;
triple ihat = unit(center.displacement(t));
triple khat = center.helixdirection(t);
triple jhat = cross(khat, ihat);
triple newpoint = center.helixpoint(t) + radius*(cos(theta)*ihat + sin(theta)*jhat);
toreturn.helix = graph(newhelix, operator ..);
return toreturn;
int loopfactor = 20;
real radiusfactor = 1/8;
helix wrap(helix input, int order, int initialloops = 10, real initialradius = 0.6, int loopfactor=loopfactor) {
helix toreturn = input;
int loops = initialloops;
real radius = initialradius;
for (int i = 1; i <= order; ++i) {
toreturn = helixAbout(toreturn, loops, radius);
loops *= loopfactor;
radius *= radiusfactor;
return toreturn;
currentprojection = perspective(12,0,6);
helix circle = helixcircle(r=2, c=O, normal=Z);
/* The variable part of the code starts here. */
int order = 1; // This line varies.
real helixradius = 0.5;
real safefactor = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < order; ++i)
safefactor -= radiusfactor^i;
real saferadius = helixradius * safefactor;
helix todraw = wrap(circle, order=order, initialradius = helixradius); // This line varies (optional loopfactor parameter).
surface torus = surface(Circle(c=2X, r=0.99*saferadius, normal=-Y, n=32), c=O, axis=Z, n=32);
material toruspen = material(diffusepen=gray, ambientpen=white);
draw(torus, toruspen);
drawsafe(todraw, p=0.5purple+linewidth(1pt)); // This line varies (linewidth only).
/* The variable part of the code starts here. */
int order = 2; // This line varies.
real helixradius = 0.5;
real safefactor = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < order; ++i)
safefactor -= radiusfactor^i;
real saferadius = helixradius * safefactor;
helix todraw = wrap(circle, order=order, initialradius = helixradius, loopfactor=40); // This line varies (optional loopfactor parameter).
surface torus = surface(Circle(c=2X, r=0.99*saferadius, normal=-Y, n=32), c=O, axis=Z, n=32);
material toruspen = material(diffusepen=gray, ambientpen=white);
draw(torus, toruspen);
drawsafe(todraw, p=0.5purple+linewidth(0.6pt)); // This line varies (linewidth only).
/* The variable part of the code starts here. */
int order = 3; // This line varies.
real helixradius = 0.5;
real safefactor = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < order; ++i)
safefactor -= radiusfactor^i;
real saferadius = helixradius * safefactor;
helix todraw = wrap(circle, order=order, initialradius = helixradius); // This line varies (optional loopfactor parameter).
surface torus = surface(Circle(c=2X, r=0.99*saferadius, normal=-Y, n=32), c=O, axis=Z, n=32);
material toruspen = material(diffusepen=gray, ambientpen=white);
draw(torus, toruspen);
drawsafe(todraw, p=0.5purple+linewidth(0.2pt)); // This line varies (linewidth only).
最后一点:Asymptote 中半透明表面的渲染机制在处理多层半透明表面时效果不佳(即当一个半透明表面遮挡另一个半透明表面(或其中一部分)时)。以下是困难的一个例子:
在 mrc 的回答中,这一点不太明显,但至少目前仍然存在。
settings.outformat = "png";
settings.render = 16;
settings.prc = false;
real unit = 2cm;
import graph3;
void drawsafe(path3 longpath, pen p, int maxlength = 400) {
int length = length(longpath);
if (length <= maxlength) draw(longpath, p);
else {
int divider = floor(length/2);
drawsafe(subpath(longpath, 0, divider), p=p, maxlength=maxlength);
drawsafe(subpath(longpath, divider, length), p=p, maxlength=maxlength);
void sort(surface s) {
projection P = currentprojection;
//The following code is copied from three_surface.asy
// Sort patches by mean distance from camera
triple camera=P.camera;
if(P.infinity) {
triple m=min(s);
triple M=max(s);
real[][] depth=new real[s.s.length][];
for(int i=0; i < depth.length; ++i)
depth[i]=new real[] {abs(camera-s.s[i].cornermean()),i};
//end of copied code
int[] permutation = sequence(new int(int i) {return (int)depth[i][4];}, depth.length);
int[][] inversionTool = new int[permutation.length][5];
for (int i = 0; i < permutation.length; ++i)
inversionTool[i] = new int[] {permutation[i], i};
inversionTool = sort(inversionTool);
int inverse(int i) {return inversionTool[i][6];};
patch[] sortedS = new patch[depth.length];
for (int i = 0; i < sortedS.length; ++i) {
sortedS[i] = s.s[permutation[i]];
s.s = sortedS;
for (int[] currentrow : s.index)
for (int i = 0; i < currentrow.length; ++i)
currentrow[i] = inverse(currentrow[i]);
struct helix {
path3 center;
path3 helix;
int numloops;
int pointsperloop = 12;
/* t should range from 0 to 1*/
triple centerpoint(real t) {
return point(center, t*length(center));
triple helixpoint(real t) {
return point(helix, t*length(helix));
triple helixdirection(real t) {
return dir(helix, t*length(helix));
/* the vector from the center point to the point on the helix */
triple displacement(real t) {
return helixpoint(t) - centerpoint(t);
bool iscyclic() {
return cyclic(helix);
path3 operator cast(helix h) {
return h.helix;
helix helixcircle(triple c = O, real r = 1, triple normal = Z) {
helix toreturn;
toreturn.center = c;
toreturn.helix = Circle(c=O, r=r, normal=normal, n=toreturn.pointsperloop);
toreturn.numloops = 1;
return toreturn;
helix helixAbout(helix center, int numloops, real radius) {
helix toreturn;
toreturn.numloops = numloops;
from toreturn unravel pointsperloop;
toreturn.center = center.helix;
int n = numloops * pointsperloop;
triple[] newhelix;
for (int i = 0; i <= n; ++i) {
real theta = (i % pointsperloop) * 2pi / pointsperloop;
real t = i / n;
triple ihat = unit(center.displacement(t));
triple khat = center.helixdirection(t);
triple jhat = cross(khat, ihat);
triple newpoint = center.helixpoint(t) + radius*(cos(theta)*ihat + sin(theta)*jhat);
toreturn.helix = graph(newhelix, operator ..);
return toreturn;
int loopfactor = 20;
real radiusfactor = 1/8;
helix wrap(helix input, int order, int initialloops = 10, real initialradius = 0.6, int loopfactor=loopfactor) {
helix toreturn = input;
int loops = initialloops;
real radius = initialradius;
for (int i = 1; i <= order; ++i) {
toreturn = helixAbout(toreturn, loops, radius);
loops *= loopfactor;
radius *= radiusfactor;
return toreturn;
currentprojection = perspective(12,0,6);
helix circle = helixcircle(r=2, c=O, normal=Z);
/* The variable part of the code starts here. */
int order = 1; // This line varies.
real helixradius = 0.5;
real safefactor = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < order; ++i)
safefactor -= radiusfactor^i;
real saferadius = helixradius * safefactor;
helix todraw = wrap(circle, order=order, initialradius = helixradius); // This line varies (optional loopfactor parameter).
surface torus = surface(Circle(c=2X, r=0.99*saferadius, normal=-Y, n=32), c=O, axis=Z, n=32);
material toruspen = material(diffusepen=gray + opacity(0.5), ambientpen=white);
draw(torus, toruspen);
drawsafe(todraw, p=0.4magenta+linewidth(1pt)); // This line varies (linewidth only).
这是正在进行的工作。它缺少最重要的东西:螺旋的可见性。起初我以为它变得(不)可见的点是均匀分布的,但事实并非如此。我想我必须做一些向量代数才能(希望)找到解决方案。圆环不是 3D 物体,它是由许多几乎透明的圆环组成的。
[ x={(\xx cm,\xy cm)},
y={(\yx cm,\yy cm)},
z={(\zx cm,\zy cm)},
\foreach \h in {0,0.01,...,\doubleRO}
{ \pgfmathsetmacro{\pm}{sqrt(\h*(\doubleRO-\h))}
\fill[opacity=0.007,blue,even odd rule] (0,0,\h-\RO) circle (\RI+\pm) (0,0,\h-\RO) circle (\RI-\pm);
\foreach \v in {0.1,0.2,...,360.1}
{ \pgfmathsetmacro{\newx}{(\RI + \RO*sin(\K*\v))*cos(\v)}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\newy}{(\RI + \RO*sin(\K*\v))*sin(\v)}
\draw[red!\mycolor!green,thick] (\initialx,\initialy,\initialz) -- (\newx,\newy,\newz);