使用 less 命令进行即时搜索? (类似于VIM中的incsearch)

使用 less 命令进行即时搜索? (类似于VIM中的incsearch)

有没有办法在我输入时进行搜索less?就像 vim 选项一样,set incsearch.




less -ppattern filename


编辑:为了回答您更新的问题,目前无法使用 进行立即增量搜索less。您是否考虑过改用view(以只读模式打开 Vim,因此将使用您的incsearch设置)? Vim 可以变得更像寻呼机:维姆帕格脚本。

一些附加信息:有一个打开错误Ubuntu bug-tracker 上的增量搜索支持,但看起来不会很快出现。有人有实施增量支持在 github fork 上,但显然你必须编译一个自定义less才能使用它。

(除了 Ubuntu 增强请求外,目前还有(截至 2016 年 5 月 17 日)官方lessbugtracker上没有此类增强请求.)


它被实施于https://github.com/gwsw/less/commit/b09a0c452d08afe2da8c9632d4fa768d6474b3712 个月前,希望会出现在我们附近的发行版!


less --incsearch filename

添加于这次提交2021 年 1 月 13 日。



598 版本于 2021 年 12 月 7 日发布,进行 Beta 测试。


export LESS='--incsearch  --ignore-case --status-column --LONG-PROMPT --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS --HILITE-UNREAD --tabs=4 --no-init --window=2 '
    # Man-db passes extra options to the pager via the `LESS` environment variable,
    # which Less interprets in the same way as command line options.
    # The setting is hard-coded at compile time and starts with -i.
    # (The value is "-ix8RmPm%s$PM%s$" as of Man-db 2.6.2; the P…$ part is the prompt string.)

    # "--RAW-CONTROL-CHARS":   Get color support for 'less'
    # --no-init: This is sometimes  desirable if the deinitialization string does something unnecessary, like clearing the screen
    # --HILITE-UNREAD:  highlight first unread line after forward movement

    # https://www.topbug.net/blog/2016/09/27/make-gnu-less-more-powerful/
source $HOME/dot_file/color_less_wf.zsh

以下是版本 590 和版本 598 之间的差异:

Add the --header option.
Add the --no-number-headers option.
Add the --status-line option.
Add the --redraw-on-quit option.
Add the --search-options option.
Add 'H' color type to set color of header lines.
Add #version conditional to lesskey.
Add += syntax to variable section in lesskey files.
Allow option name in -- command to end with '=' in addition to '\n'.
Add $HOME/.config to possible locations of lesskey file.
Add $XDG_STATE_HOME and $HOME/.local/state to possible locations of history file.
Don't read or write history file in secure mode.
Fix display of multibyte and double-width chars in prompt.
Fix ESC-BACKSPACE command when BACKSPACE key does not send 0x08.
Add more \k codes to lesskey format.
Fix bug when empty file is modified while viewing it.
Fix bug when parsing a malformed lesskey file.
Fix bug scrolling history when --incsearch is set.
Fix buffer overflow when invoking lessecho with more than 63 -m/-n options.
Fix display bugs with --header.
Fix bug restoring color at end of highlighted text.
Fix bug in parsing lesskey file.
