动画图形,数字减少且缺少 0

动画图形,数字减少且缺少 0

我想在 LaTeX 中将不同的 png 文件动画化为一个图形。我使用:


\frametitle{Monte Carlo Simulation - 22 trading days, 1000 simulations}


因此从 211 减少到 210 等等是可行的,但问题是,LaTeX 例如搜索文件“3d099”:

! Package animate Error: Neither of the files
(animate)                `3d099.pdf',
(animate)                `3d099.mps',
(animate)                `3d099.png',
(animate)                `3d099.jpg',
(animate)                `3d099.jpeg',
(animate)                `3d099.jbig2',
(animate)                `3d099.jb2',
(animate)                `3d099.jp2',
(animate)                `3d099.j2k' or
(animate)                `3d099.jpx',
(animate)                could be found.
(animate)                Wrong file type? Mis-spelled file name?.

See the animate package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.865 }


但是文件名是“3d99.png”,所以我需要做哪些更改才能使 LaTeX 正确显示?
