

我正在使用 Stockton beamer 主题制作幻灯片。







\usepackage{epsfig} %for figures
\usepackage{xcolor} %for color

\definecolor{hughesblue}{rgb}{.9,.9,1} %A blue I like to use for highlighting, matches Hughes Hallet's book

\logo{\includegraphics[height=2cm]{Seal_Cream.pdf}} % comment out this line if you do not have the pacific-seal file}

\title[Short Title \hspace{4em}\insertframenumber/
\inserttotalframenumber]{~ \\ Long Title:  A Sample Using \\ Stockton Beamer Theme \\~} 

\author[short author name or speaker]{ \\ Sarah Merz, The University of the Pacific } 

\date{January, 2010}



\frametitle{INPUT SELECTION}
\item The load is influenced by many factors.:
\caption {Factors that may influence electricity demand}
  Calendar data & hour of the day, day of the week, holidays, 'bridge days', daylight saving time, school holidays\\\hline
  Meteorological data & temperature, humidity, cloud cover, luminosity, earth's position in the eclipse, sun's altitude, wind speed, solar radiation, climate change\\\hline
  Economic data & GDP, per capita GDP, consumer price index, average salary earnings, production plans of companies, electricity price, industrial expansion\\\hline
  Demographic data & number of households, population growth, local area development\\\hline
\item The importance of horizon:
\item For very short-term forecast (up to 6 hours) $\longrightarrow$ inputs based on past load values
\item Engineering judgment or human experience as well as some statistical/graphical analysis






\usepackage{epsfig} %for figures
\usepackage{xcolor} %for color

\definecolor{hughesblue}{rgb}{.9,.9,1} %A blue I like to use for highlighting, matches Hughes Hallet's book

%\logo{\includegraphics[height=2cm]{Seal_Cream.pdf}} % comment out this line if you do not have the pacific-seal file}

\title[Short Title \hspace{4em}\insertframenumber/
\inserttotalframenumber]{~ \\ Long Title:  A Sample Using \\ Stockton Beamer Theme \\~} 

\author[short author name or speaker]{Sarah Merz, The University of the Pacific } 

\date{January, 2010}




\frametitle{INPUT SELECTION}
\item The load is influenced by many factors.:
\captionof{table}{Factors that may influence electricity demand\label{table:1}}
%\captionof{table}{Factors that may influence electricity demand}
  Calendar data & hour of the day, day of the week, holidays, 'bridge days', daylight saving time, school holidays\\\hline
  Meteorological data & temperature, humidity, cloud cover, luminosity, earth's position in the eclipse, sun's altitude, wind speed, solar radiation, climate change\\\hline
  Economic data & GDP, per capita GDP, consumer price index, average salary earnings, production plans of companies, electricity price, industrial expansion\\\hline
  Demographic data & number of households, population growth, local area development\\\hline
\item The importance of horizon:
\item For very short-term forecast (up to 6 hours) $\longrightarrow$ inputs based on past load values
\item Engineering judgment or human experience as well as some statistical/graphical analysis



