Beamer 中是否有办法在每张幻灯片中保留专门的部分作为“关键问题”或“关键点”部分,以自动累积问题或要点?有点像下面这样:
| Slide 1 | Key Points: |
| other content of the slide can go here | |
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| Slide 2 | Key Points: |
| Key Point 1 | Key Point 1 |
| other content of the slide can go here | |
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| Slide 1 | Key Points: |
| Key Point 2 | Key Point 1 |
| other content of the slide can go here | Key Point 2 |
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第二版的代码。现在打印 reps.frame 上的当前关键点。
\setbeamersize{ text margin left=100pt }
%Read In
% Some Helper Counter
% WriteStreams
% Helper macro end
\addtostream{superstream}{\@charrb}%write out protected "{" see source2e
%Helper macro begin
#1 %
\addtostream{superstream}{%write to stream
\noexpand\mykey{\thestateone}{#1} \noexpand\par% or what ever
% Appearance
\setbeamertemplate{sidebar left}{\huge \mytemp}
% the seven who are one
\foreach \name in {Father, Mother, Smith, Warrior, Maiden, Crone, Stranger}{