

我是 LaTeX 新手,正在使用moderncv模板准备简历。我更改了大部分设置以满足我的需求,但我无法让右侧巨大的空白消失。

我当前的 LaTex 源文件

\usepackage[scale=0.9, top=1cm,paperheight=11.8in]{geometry}

\usepackage{hyperref}                               % to use hyperlinks
\definecolor{linkcolour}{rgb}{0,0.2,0.6}            % hyperlinks setup
\hypersetup{colorlinks,breaklinks,urlcolor=linkcolour, linkcolor=linkcolour}

% personal data
\firstname{first name}
\title{MS in some univ}
\address{124 apartments}{Apt 210, some place, state, pin}    
\mobile{723 344 3344}       
\email{[email protected]}
%            content

\cventry{Aug 2012 -}{Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering}{University of 1231023}{1212 Uni123versity of }{\textit{3.6/4}}{Specilization Track: Artificial Intelligence\\ Relavent Courses: Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Algorithms.}
\cventry{Aug 2004 - Aug 2008}{Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering}{Jlfdsdfsdfsdf sdfsfdsf sfsfsfd sdfsdf}{another place, state}{\textit{3.7/4}}{}  

\section{Work Experience}
\cventry{Aug 2010 - Aug 2012}{Developer in abc infotech}{company}{place, country}{}{blas blah blah blah abc. I did this and that. I have done super great things in that company and then another and so on. blah. \\ Tools used: python other stuffetc.}

\section{ Recent Projects}
\cvline{}{\textbf{Comparison study of various models for digit recognition} Implemented Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Neural Networks, Support Vector Machine models to automatically classify digits and did a performance study of the models.}

\cvline{Languages}{\small Python, Java, Prolog, C.}
\cvline{Tools}{\small Matlab, Hadoop.}
\cvline{Others}{\small Linux, Latex, Git, Vim, Windows.}



