使用 BibTeX 在 bibitem 之前和之后添加文本

使用 BibTeX 在 bibitem 之前和之后添加文本

这是向 bibitems 添加信息在其中\@lbibitem进行了调整,允许在 BibTeX 条目前添加文本。这很好,但是我希望能够在在条目之后,例如*在开头添加 ( ) 来表示必读内容,并在条目后添加一些文本来表示特定的section书或章节:

*威廉·伊斯特利。《西方能拯救非洲吗?》《经济文献杂志》,第 373-447 页,2009 年。请阅读第 2-4 节



%% database for personal temporary notes

%% command for pre notes

% command for post notes

%% patching the output
%% if natbib is loaded
%% this does not work as intended as notes are always placed before the bib entry
  }{}{\message{^^JPatching failed^^J}}%

% \apptocmd{\@lbibitem}%
%   {\DTLforeach[\DTLiseq{\post}{#2}]{bibnotes}{\post=post,\mynote=mynote}{\mynote}}
%   {}{\message{^^Japptocmd failed^^J}}%




%% comments to be displayed before/after bibtex entry
\bibpost{frankel1999does}{please read ch.\ 4}



@Article{ easterly2009can,
    Author = "William Easterly",
    Title = "Can the West Save Africa?",
    Journal = "Journal of Economic Literature",
    Pages = "373--447",
    year = 2009

@Article{ frankel1999does,
    Author = "J.A. Frankel and D. Romer",
    Title = "Does trade cause growth?",
    Journal = "American Economic Review",
    Pages = "379--399",
    year = 1999



*William Easterly。西方能拯救非洲吗?《经济文献杂志》,第 373-447 页,2009 年。

*请阅读第 4 章 J.A. Frankel 和 D. Romer。贸易导致增长吗?《美国经济评论》,第 379-399 页,1999 年。

我发现改变命令的顺序\patchcmd{\@lbibitem}会出现错误消息,并且\apptocmd{\@lbibitem}会在 bib 条目之前添加注释,而不是之后。


你试过吗比布拉特克斯? Biblatex 是 LaTeX 与 BibTeX 结合提供的书目设施的完整重新实现。

使用 biblatex 为条目添加前后注释并不难。像这样:


\usepackage[natbib,                                % To use natbib commands
        style=authoryear,                          % Style of cites and bib entries
        backend=bibtex8]                           % To use bibtex instead biber
\addbibresource{bib.bib}                          % Loading .bib file

\renewbibmacro{in:}{%                              % To remove "In:" from articles
\DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{pages={pages}} % To change default pp.
\DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{page={page}}   % To change default p.


\citet{easterly2009can,frankel1999does}            % Cite as if you were using natbib

% use \fullcite[prenote][posnote]{bibentrylabel}
\noindent \fullcite[*][Please read sections 32-33]{easterly2009can} \\
\noindent \fullcite[*][Please read sections 2-4]{frankel1999does}     \end{document}

如果您想添加相同的注释,但.bib file您应该执行以下操作:


\usepackage[natbib,                                % To use natbib commands
        style=authoryear,                          % Style of cites and bib entries
        backend=bibtex8]                           % To use bibtex instead biber
\addbibresource{bib.bib}                          % Loading .bib file

\renewbibmacro{in:}{%                              % To remove "In:" from articles
\DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{pages={pages}} % To change default pp.
\DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{page={page}}   % To change default p.


\citet{easterly2009can,frankel1999does}            % Cite as if you were using natbib

\printbibliography                                 % Equivalent to \bibliography{bib}



@Article{ easterly2009can2,
  Author = "William Easterly",
  Title = "Can the West Save Africa?",
  Journal = "Journal of Economic Literature",
  Pages = "373--447",
  year = 2009,
  note = "A comment that should be before",
  addendum = "A comment after"

@Article{ frankel1999does2,
  Author = "J.A. Frankel and D. Romer",
  Title = "Does trade cause growth?",
  Journal = "American Economic Review",
  Pages = "379--399",
  year = 1999,
  note = "A comment that should be before",
  addendum = "A comment after"

但是,我找不到如何重新排序每个 bibtex 条目中的块实体。也许你运气更好。

我应该指出,引用和书目样式可能会改变。请查看 biblatex 文档以了解详情。这是自定义 biblatex 样式的问题

接下来的问题:如何以简单的方式引用所有没有注释的 bib 条目?(对文件进行微小的更改,.bib不会影响文件的正常使用)


\usepackage[natbib,                                % To use natbib commands
        style=authoryear,                          % Style of cites and bib entries
        backend=bibtex8]                           % To use bibtex instead biber
\addbibresource{biblong.bib}                       % Loading .bib file

\renewbibmacro{in:}{%                              % To remove "In:" from articles
\DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{pages={pages}} % To change default pp.
\DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{page={page}}   % To change default p.


\citet{easterly2009can,frankel1999does}            % Cite as if you were using natbib

% use \fullcite[prenote][posnote]{bibentrylabel}
\noindent \fullcite[*][Please read sections 32-33]{easterly2009can} \\
\noindent \fullcite[*][Please read sections 2-4]{frankel1999does} \\

\nocite{*} % Use of \nocite is not necessary if they were cited elsewhere
% The following command only print entries that not have the keyword annotated



@Article{ easterly2009can2,
  Author = "William Easterly",
  Title = "Can the West Save Africa?",
  Journal = "Journal of Economic Literature",
  Pages = "373--447",
  year = 2009

@Article{ frankel1999does2,
  Author = "J.A. Frankel and D. Romer",
  Title = "Does trade cause growth?",
  Journal = "American Economic Review",
  Pages = "379--399",
  year = 1999

@Article{ lennon1965help,
  Author = "John Lennon",
  Title = "Help!",
  Journal = "The Beatles",
  Pages = "1--14",
  year = 1965

@Article{ mccartney2003let,
  Author = "Paul McCartney",
  Title = "Let it be... Naked",
  Journal = "The Beatles",
  Pages = "1--11",
  year = 2003
