


我会不是喜欢对所有公式全局执行此操作,但我有一个公式 ($(-+++)$) 重复出现。是否可以强制 latex 始终以相同的间距显示它?

更新:我现在意识到渲染 $(-+++)$ 时出现的问题不是由于段落中的拉伸/挤压,而是由于 + 和 - 在 latex 公式中的特殊作用。第一个 - 和 + 大概被视为公式中术语之间的分隔符,后两个渲染方式不同,间距较短。cgnieder 给出的解决方案 $({-}{+}{+}{+})$ 解决了这个间距问题,并在所有 +:s 和 -:s 之间提供了相等的间距。如何删除这样的空格之前有人问过:在数学模式中删除“单词”之间的空格


可以使用 冻结(子)公式中的间距{...}。在下面的例子中

\( x+y = z \)


\( {x+y = z} \)





Here is an example formula \( x+y = z \) which we repeat at several
times during the paragraph.  Notice that the spacing changes on
different uses \( x+y = z \) depending on how much the line is
stretch.  This is useful as it helps with even spacing of the whole
paragraph despite the presence of formulae \( x+y = z \).  Stretchable
spacing in the mathematics \( x+y = z \) is often to be preferred.

Using braces \verb!{}! around the forumla \( {x+y = z} \) freezes the
spacing.  It also prevents line breaks occuring in the middle of the
formula \( {x+y = z} \).  This prevention of line breaks can also be
used in subformals, but we are demonstrating that in the case of \(
{x+y = z} \).  I expect to see that the spacing in this paragraph is
not as good as the previous because of the lack of flexibility
associated to the formula \( {x+y = z} \).


你可以在 TeXbook 的第 173 页找到这种行为的描述
