


目前,字母排序有点扭曲,但我无法弄清楚 LateX 如何对 bibitems 进行排序。

图形化地演示一下我的意思: 在此处输入图片描述

bbx 文件:

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  \printfield{note} %ich konnte mit meiner Literaturverwaltung nicht urldate mitangeben. Richtig wäre die Angabe \printfield{urldate}. Ggf. muss man das noch durch ein Makro in Klammern setzen.


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\renewcommand\mkbibnamelast[1]{\textsc{#1}} %Autor/Editorname in small caps



bibstyle=ulm, citestyle=ulm, maxbibnames=99,

  author = {J\"ager, M. and Lang, F. and Frasch, K. and Becker, T.},
  title = {Schizophrene Psychosen mit bipolarem Verlauf -- Implikationen f\"ur
    Nosologie und Therapie},
  journal = {Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {80},
  pages = {520--526},
  number = {09},

  author = {J\"ager, Markus and Lang, Fabian and Frasch, Karel and Becker, Thomas},
  title = {Schizophrenie und aggressives Verhalten -- die Bedeutung katatoner
  journal = {Psychiatr Prax},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {39},
  pages = {84--90},
  number = {02},

  author = {F. Lang and M. K\"osters and S. Lang and T. Becker and M. J\"ager},
  title = {Psychopathological long-term outcome of schizophrenia -- a review.},
  journal = {Acta Psychiatr Scand},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {173--182},
  month = {11},

  author = {Lang, F.U. and Klug, R. and Kunath, M. and Palm, C. and Uttner, I.
    and J\"ager, M.},
  title = {Fr\"uhe Demenz als Leitsyndrom einer Schizophrenie},
  journal = {Nervenarzt},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {1--4},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},


  author = {Lang, F. U. AND Lang, S. AND Becker, T. AND J\"ager, M.},
  title = {Therapieresistente schizophrene Psychosen},
  journal = {Dtsch Z Nervenheilkd},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {3},
  pages = {145--149},





我已经阅读了 biblatex 手册,但我唯一找到的是sorting=nyt,但它不起作用,因为我没有使用 biber。


就像我在第一条评论中说的那样,我在参考书目中添加了一个字母,例如2012 a2012 b 我通过引入更正的三个 Lang 条目的错误排序sortname={LangX} X是排序号。有了它,sortkey我就必须在我原来的 = 非 MWE 参考书目中定义更多的排序键。

bibstyle=ulm, citestyle=ulm, maxbibnames=99,

\begin{filecontents*}{books2.bib }
  author = {J\"ager, M. and Lang, F. and Frasch, K. and Becker, T.},
  title = {Schizophrene Psychosen mit bipolarem Verlauf -- Implikationen f\"ur
    Nosologie und Therapie},
  journal = {Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr},
  year = {2012 a},
  volume = {80},
  pages = {520--526},
  number = {09},

  author = {J\"ager, Markus and Lang, Fabian and Frasch, Karel and Becker, Thomas},
  title = {Schizophrenie und aggressives Verhalten -- die Bedeutung katatoner
  journal = {Psychiatr Prax},
  year = {2012 b},
  volume = {39},
  pages = {84--90},
  number = {02},

  author = {F. Lang and M. K\"osters and S. Lang and T. Becker and M. J\"ager},
  title = {Psychopathological long-term outcome of schizophrenia -- a review.},
  journal = {Acta Psychiatr Scand},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {173--182},
  month = {11},
  sortname = {Lang2}

  author = {Lang, F.U. and Klug, R. and Kunath, M. and Palm, C. and Uttner, I.
    and J\"ager, M.},
  title = {Fr\"uhe Demenz als Leitsyndrom einer Schizophrenie},
  journal = {Nervenarzt},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {1--4},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  sortname = {Lang1}


  author = {Lang, F. U. AND Lang, S. AND Becker, T. AND J\"ager, M.},
  title = {Therapieresistente schizophrene Psychosen},
  journal = {Dtsch Z Nervenheilkd},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {3},
  pages = {145--149},
  sortname = {Lang3}


\bibliography{books2.bib }


