在首字母缩略词列表中,我希望正常显示缩写和完整格式以及数字列表。因此,主要区别在于,在脚注中不显示完整格式,而是显示描述,描述是 的可选参数\newacronym
和/或 的帮助来实现\SetCustomStyle
如果您想定义自定义缩写样式,强烈建议您至少升级到 v4.02。如果您这样做,您可以尝试以下操作:
\newacronymstyle{custom-fn}% new style name
{% Check for long form in case of a mixed glossary
{% Style definitions:
% User needs to supply the description:
% Need to ensure hyperlinks are switched off on first use:
% Redefine the commands used by \glsgenacfmt on first use:
% Redefine the no-link full forms:
% Redefine the link full forms:
% Don't apply any font change for the acronym in the document text:
% Sort acronyms according to the short form:
% Now set the new acronym style (to override the default style)
% Define a glossary style that will display the short form followed
% by the long form.
% base it on the long style
\glsentryitem{##1}\glstarget{##1}{\glsentryshort{##1}} &
\glsentrylong{##1}\glspostdescription\space ##2\tabularnewline
% Now define the acronyms (must be done after setting the custom
% style)
\newacronym[description={set of tags for use in developing hypertext
documents}]{html}{html}{\underline{h}yper \underline{t}ext
\underline{m}arkup \underline{l}anguage}