未定义控制序列 \bbl@nonfrenchlistspacing

未定义控制序列 \bbl@nonfrenchlistspacing



% Preamble: Package loading (optional)
% \usepackage[fleqn]{amsmath}

% Preamble: User commands and environments (optional)
% \newcommand{\diff}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathrm{d}#1}}

% Preamble: Title, author, and date (mandatory)
Short Title]{%
Complete Title}

John \Name{Smith}\\ Paul \Name{Jones}}


% Preamble: Regenerate the index (mandatory)

% Document body: Beginning (mandatory)

% Document body: Front matter (mandatory)

% Front matter: Title page (mandatory)

% Front matter: Table of contents (mandatory)

% Front matter: Foreword (optional)
% \include{foreword}
% Here is the typical contents of this included file:
%%%% \chapter{Foreword}
%%%% [text]
%%%% \vspace{11pt}
%%%% \begin{flushright}
%%%%  John \Name{Smith}\\
%%%%  Paul \Name{Jones}
%%%% \end{flushright}

% Front matter: Introduction (optional)
% \include{introduction}
% Here is the typical contents of this included file:
%%%% \chapter{Introduction}
%%%% [text]

% Document body: Main matter (mandatory)

% Main matter: First regular chapter (mandatory)
% Here is the typical contents of this included file:
%%%% \chapter[%
%%%% Short Title]{%
%%%% Complete Title}
%%%% [text]

% Main matter: First appendix (optional)
% \include{appendix_1}
% Here is the typical contents of this included file:
%%%% \cleardoublepage
%%%% \appendix
%%%% \chapter[%
%%%% Short Title]{%
%%%% Complete Title}
%%%% [text]

% Document body: Back matter (mandatory)

% Back matter: Bibliography chapter (mandatory)

% Back matter: Index chapter (mandatory)

% Document body: End (mandatory)


! Undefined control sequence.
\@mkhermes ->\bbl@nonfrenchlistspacing 
                                       \gdef \itemize {\hermesitemize }\gdef...
l.24 \begin{document}



该命令在 2007 年至 2008 年间的某个时间\bbl@nonfrenchlistspacing消失了。babel-french



