如何使用 tikz 突出显示子矩阵/节点?

如何使用 tikz 突出显示子矩阵/节点?

我正在尝试突出显示我正在渲染的矩阵的不同单元的框。目前,这会以绿色突出显示整个矩阵。我想要做的是在该框内突出显示另一系列节点。例如,我想在 N1、N2、N3 和 N4 周围绘制一个框/圆圈/等。有没有相对轻松的方法来做到这一点?

   inner/.style={circle,draw=blue!50,fill=blue!20,thick,inner sep=3pt},
   outer/.style={draw=green,fill=green!20,thick,inner sep=10pt, column sep=1cm, row sep=1cm}
  \matrix (A) [matrix of nodes, outer, nodes={inner}]{
       &    & N5 & N9  \\
       & N2 & N6 & N10 \\
    N1 & N3 & N7 & N11 \\
       & N4 & N8 &     \\






   inner/.style={circle,draw=blue!50,fill=blue!20,thick,inner sep=3pt},
   outer/.style={draw=green,fill=green!20,thick,inner sep=10pt, column sep=1cm, row sep=1cm}
  \matrix (A) [matrix of nodes, outer, nodes={inner,draw}]{
       &    & N5 & N9  \\
       & N2 & N6 & N10 \\
    N1 & N3 & N7 & N11 \\
       & N4 & N8 &     \\
\draw[rounded corners] 
  ([xshift=-10pt]A-3-1.north west) -- 
  ([xshift=-10pt,yshift=10pt]A-2-2.north west) -- 
  ([xshift=10pt,yshift=10pt]A-2-2.north east) -- 
  ([xshift=10pt,yshift=-10pt]A-4-2.south east) -- 
  ([xshift=-10pt,yshift=-10pt]A-4-2.south west) -- 
  ([xshift=-10pt]A-3-1.south west) -- cycle;
   inner/.style={circle,draw=blue!50,fill=blue!20,thick,inner sep=3pt},
   outer/.style={draw=green,fill=green!20,thick,inner sep=10pt, column sep=1cm, row sep=1cm}
  \matrix (A) [matrix of nodes, outer, nodes={inner,draw}]{
       &    & N5 & N9  \\
       & N2 & N6 & N10 \\
    N1 & N3 & N7 & N11 \\
       & N4 & N8 &     \\
\node[draw,fit={(A-3-1) (A-2-2) (A-4-2)}] {};

   inner/.style={circle,draw=blue!50,fill=blue!20,thick,inner sep=3pt},
   outer/.style={draw=green,fill=green!20,thick,inner sep=10pt, column sep=1cm, row sep=1cm}
  \matrix (A) [matrix of nodes, outer, nodes={inner,draw}]{
       &    & N5 & N9  \\
       & N2 & N6 & N10 \\
    N1 & N3 & N7 & N11 \\
       & N4 & N8 &     \\
\draw[cyan,fill=cyan!20,rounded corners] 
  ([xshift=-10pt]A-3-1.north west) -- 
  ([xshift=-10pt,yshift=10pt]A-2-2.north west) -- 
  ([xshift=10pt,yshift=10pt]A-2-2.north east) -- 
  ([xshift=10pt,yshift=-10pt]A-4-2.south east) -- 
  ([xshift=-10pt,yshift=-10pt]A-4-2.south west) -- 
  ([xshift=-10pt]A-3-1.south west) -- cycle;
\foreach \Pos/\Nodo in {A-3-1/N1,A-2-2/N2,A-3-2/N3,A-4-2/N4}
  \node[inner] at (\Pos) {\Nodo};
   inner/.style={circle,draw=blue!50,fill=blue!20,thick,inner sep=3pt},
   outer/.style={draw=green,fill=green!20,thick,inner sep=10pt, column sep=1cm, row sep=1cm}
  \matrix (A) [matrix of nodes,outer, nodes={inner,draw}]{
       &    & N5 & N9  \\
       & N2 & N6 & N10 \\
     N1 & N3 & N7 & N11 \\
       & N4 & N8 &     \\
\node[draw=red!70!black,fill=red!20,fit={(A-3-1) (A-2-2) (A-4-2)}] {};
\foreach \Pos/\Nodo in {A-3-1/N1,A-2-2/N2,A-3-2/N3,A-4-2/N4}
  \node[inner] at (\Pos) {\Nodo};



对于更复杂的路径,我考虑使用\convexhull由定义的 nice 命令杰克他的回答凸包的填充边界;但是,从 PGF/TikZ 3.0.0 版开始,Jake 的代码不再有效。我使用了上面说明的简单 \draw 方法的变体,以及to[bend=...]类似于他的回答同一问题:



   inner/.style={circle,draw=blue!50,fill=blue!20,thick,inner sep=3pt},
   outer/.style={draw=green,fill=green!20,thick,inner sep=10pt, column sep=1cm, row sep=1cm}
  \matrix (A) [matrix of nodes, outer, nodes={inner,draw}]{
       &    & N5 & N9  \\
       & N2 & N6 & N10 \\
    N1 & N3 & N7 & N11 \\
       & N4 & N8 &     \\
\draw[cyan,fill=cyan!20,rounded corners] 
  ([xshift=-10pt]A-3-1.north west) -- 
  ([xshift=-10pt,yshift=10pt]A-2-2.north west) -- 
  ([xshift=10pt,yshift=10pt]A-2-2.north east) -- 
  ([xshift=10pt,yshift=-10pt]A-2-2.south east) -- 
  ([xshift=10pt]A-3-1.north east) -- 
  ([xshift=10pt]A-3-1.south east) -- 
  ([xshift=10pt,yshift=10pt]A-4-2.north east) -- 
  ([xshift=10pt,yshift=-10pt]A-4-2.south east) -- 
  ([xshift=-10pt,yshift=-10pt]A-4-2.south west) -- 
  ([xshift=-10pt]A-3-1.south west) -- cycle;
\foreach \Pos/\Nodo in {A-3-1/N1,A-2-2/N2,A-3-2/N3,A-4-2/N4}
  \node[inner] at (\Pos) {\Nodo};
   inner/.style={circle,draw=blue!50,fill=blue!20,thick,inner sep=3pt},
   outer/.style={draw=green,fill=green!20,thick,inner sep=10pt, column sep=1cm, row sep=1cm}
  \matrix (A) [matrix of nodes, outer, nodes={inner,draw}]{
       &    & N5 & N9  \\
       & N2 & N6 & N10 \\
    N1 & N3 & N7 & N11 \\
       & N4 & N8 &     \\
\path[draw=red!20,line width=1.4cm, line cap=round, line join=round] 
([xshift=10pt]A-3-1.west) to[bend left=20] (A-2-2.east) 
     to[bend right=30] ([xshift=-10pt]A-3-1.east) 
     to[bend right=30] (A-4-2.east)
     to[bend left=20] ([xshift=10pt]A-3-1.west) -- cycle;
\foreach \Pos/\Nodo in {A-3-1/N1,A-2-2/N2,A-3-2/N3,A-4-2/N4}
  \node[inner] at (\Pos) {\Nodo};


