使用 xparse 语法通过宏定义新宏

使用 xparse 语法通过宏定义新宏


我从中学到如果给定的宏未定义,则通过宏定义宏我可以通过\expandafter\newcommand语法做到这一点。事实上,如下所示的 MWE 可以工作并产生所需的输出:




\reserved@a 定义中的参数数量非法

此外,我想知道是否有一种方法可以定义重复的参数。也就是说,{m m}我可以使用类似于的东西,tabular其中可以说与\begin{tabular}{r*{3}{l}r}相同\begin{tabular}{rlllr}。这将使我不必对每个可能的参数数量都使用\IfEqCase。我个人只需要最多 3 个,所以可以接受下面的代码略微重复,但我会问一下,以防万一有其他我不知道的语法。


  • 你需要取消注释顶部\def的使下面的 MWE 失败。



%% Uncomment the following \def to get the failing test case.
%\def\UseXparseForDefiningMacro{}% Works if commented out (in which case \newcommand{}{} is used to define macro)

\NewDocumentCommand{\DefineMeAMacroThatExecutesOnlyOnce}{m m m}{%
    % #1 = csname to use
    % #2 = number of parameters
    % #3 = code to execute
            {0}{\expandafter\NewDocumentCommand\csname#1\endcsname{     }{% No paramater version
                        #3%                           Never executed this macro so go ahead an execute it,
                        \toggletrue{AlreadyIssued#1}% and remember that we did (so we don't do it again).
            {1}{\expandafter\NewDocumentCommand\csname#1\endcsname{  m  }{% 1 paramater version
                        #3%                           Never executed this macro so go ahead an execute it,
                        \toggletrue{AlreadyIssued#1}% and remember that we did (so we don't do it again).
            {2}{\expandafter\NewDocumentCommand\csname#1\endcsname{ m m }{% 2 paramater version
                        #3%                           Never executed this macro so go ahead an execute it,
                        \toggletrue{AlreadyIssued#1}% and remember that we did (so we don't do it again).
    \else% ---------------------------------------------  This works!!
                #3%                           Never executed this macro so go ahead an execute it,
                \toggletrue{AlreadyIssued#1}% and remember that we did (so we don't do it again).

\DefineMeAMacroThatExecutesOnlyOnce{HelloWorld}{0}{% Does not take any parameters
    Hello World!%

\DefineMeAMacroThatExecutesOnlyOnce{HelloDude}{1}{% Take 1 parameter
    Hello \textcolor{red}{#1}.%


%% Section 1: Works if \UseXparseForDefiningMacro is NOT defined

%% Section 2: Works if \UseXparseForDefiningMacro is NOT defined



你可以这样做,但这是错误的,为什么要混合 expl3 和 etoolbox 测试,为什么要使用所有的切换功能,如果你只想\foo执行一次,就将其定义为




%% Uncomment the following \def to get the failing test case.
\def\UseXparseForDefiningMacro{}% Works if commented out (in which case \newcommand{}{} is used to define macro)

\NewDocumentCommand{\DefineMeAMacroThatExecutesOnlyOnce}{m m m}{%
    % #1 = csname to use
    % #2 = number of parameters
    % #3 = code to execute
                #3%                           Never executed this macro so go ahead an execute it,
                \toggletrue{AlreadyIssued#1}% and remember that we did (so we don't do it again).
    \else% ---------------------------------------------  This works!!
                #3%                           Never executed this macro so go ahead an execute it,
                \toggletrue{AlreadyIssued#1}% and remember that we did (so we don't do it again).

\DefineMeAMacroThatExecutesOnlyOnce{HelloWorld}{0}{% Does not take any parameters
    Hello World!%

\DefineMeAMacroThatExecutesOnlyOnce{HelloDude}{1}{% Take 1 parameter
    Hello \textcolor{red}{#1}.%


%% Section 1: Works if \UseXparseForDefiningMacro is NOT defined

%% Section 2: Works if \UseXparseForDefiningMacro is NOT defined






\NewDocumentCommand{\NewOnceMacro}{m m m}
  \grill_new_once_macro:Nnn #1 { #2 } { #3 }

% an addition to the kernel functions
\cs_set_eq:NN \use_none: \prg_do_nothing:

\cs_new_protected:Npn \grill_new_once_macro:Nnn #1 #2 #3
   {% the corresponding "do nothing" macro
    \cs_to_str:N #1 -disabled
   {% generate \use_none:<as many n's as #2>
    use_none: \prg_replicate:nn { #2 } { n }
    \exp_not:n { \NewDocumentCommand { #1 } }
      { \prg_replicate:nn { #2 } { m } } % the right number of m's
    % the first usage definition
    % then redefine the macro to do nothing
    \cs_gset_eq:Nc #1 { \cs_to_str:N #1 -disabled }


\NewOnceMacro{\HelloWorld}{0}{Hello world}
\NewOnceMacro{\Hello}{1}{Hello #1}
\NewOnceMacro{\Foo}{2}{Your #1 is full of #2}






