biblatex:如何让 \citetitle 在 ibidtracker 中注册?

biblatex:如何让 \citetitle 在 ibidtracker 中注册?


但是,\citetitle似乎没有被跟踪ibidtracker,因此存在错误 ibid 的风险。我如何将\citetitle事件纳入ibidtracker计数?




  sorttitle   = {Aristotle's De Motu Animalium},
  author      = {Nussbaum, Martha},
  title       = {Aristotle's \mkbibquote{De Motu Animalium}},
  publisher   = {Princeton University Press},
  location    = {Princeton},
  date        = {1978},

   editor = {Helle Degnboll},
   title = {A Dictionary of Old Norse Prose},
   shorttitle = {ONP},
   location = {Copenhagen},
   publisher = {Den arnemagnæanske kommission},
   date = {1989/}



Statement one\footnote{\cite[55]{nussbaum}; \citetitle[s.v. \mkbibquote{hestr}]{onp}.}, 
statement two\autocite[but this entry should not read \emph{ibid.}]{nussbaum}.




\citetitle//命令的标准定义包括暂时关闭 ibidtracker 的行,因此我们可以通过注释掉该特定行\citeyear来重新启用它\citeauthor\boolfalse{citetracker}%



\usepackage[style=authortitle-ibid, ibidtracker=strict]{biblatex}


  sorttitle   = {Aristotle's De Motu Animalium},
  author      = {Nussbaum, Martha},
  title       = {Aristotle's \mkbibquote{De Motu Animalium}},
  publisher   = {Princeton University Press},
  location    = {Princeton},
  date        = {1978},
   editor     = {Helle Degnboll},
   title      = {A Dictionary of Old Norse Prose},
   shorttitle = {ONP},
   location   = {Copenhagen},
   publisher  = {Den arnemagnæanske kommission},
   date       = {1989/},

Statement one\footnote{\cite[55]{nussbaum}; \citetitle[s.v. \mkbibquote{hestr}]{onp}.}, 
statement two\autocite[but this entry should not read \emph{ibid.}]{nussbaum}.



不过,在您的特定情况下,我宁愿使用shorthandand\cite而不是shorttitleand \citetitle

   editor    = {Helle Degnboll},
   title     = {A Dictionary of Old Norse Prose},
   shorthand = {ONP},
   location  = {Copenhagen},
   publisher = {Den arnemagnæanske kommission},
   date      = {1989/},


\usepackage[style=authortitle-ibid, ibidtracker=strict]{biblatex}

  sorttitle   = {Aristotle's De Motu Animalium},
  author      = {Nussbaum, Martha},
  title       = {Aristotle's \mkbibquote{De Motu Animalium}},
  publisher   = {Princeton University Press},
  location    = {Princeton},
  date        = {1978},
   editor    = {Helle Degnboll},
   title     = {A Dictionary of Old Norse Prose},
   shorthand = {ONP},
   location  = {Copenhagen},
   publisher = {Den arnemagnæanske kommission},
   date      = {1989/},

Statement one\autocites[55]{nussbaum}[s.v. \mkbibquote{hestr}]{onp}, 
statement two\autocite[but this entry should not read \emph{ibid.}]{nussbaum}.

