我在使用 BibTeX 时遇到了一些问题,特别是这个 bib 条目:
title = {\donothing{i}}{Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration - Report of the Secretary-General},
year = {2006},
address = {New York},
organization = {UNGA [United Nations General Assembly]},
note = {U.N. Doc. A/60/705},
{\em \donothing{i}}.
\renewcommand\bibsection{\subsection*{UN documents}}
这是运行 BibTeX 时的日志:
This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2016)
The top-level auxiliary file: un9.aux
The style file: siam.bst
Database file #1: un9.bib
I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 2 of file un9.bib
: title = {\donothing{i}}
: {Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration - Report of the Secretary-General},
I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry
Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in un9
Warning--empty year in un9
(There was 1 error message)
这清楚地表明了问题所在:你在 后面有一个错误的括号\donothing{i}
title = {\donothing{i}{Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration - Report of the Secretary-General}},
year = {2006},
address = {New York},
organization = {UNGA [United Nations General Assembly]},
note = {U.N. Doc. A/60/705},