bib 文件无法被识别

bib 文件无法被识别

我正在使用模板由此杂志。在此模板中,参考书目部分写在 tex 文件中。我想使用自己的bib文件。我之前尝试在 tex 文件末尾添加以下几行,\end{document}但它无法识别 bib 文件:



Package natbib warning: Citation "Brown1997High" on page 1 undefined.

  • bib 文件位于模板文件的主文件夹中,位于主 tex 文件旁边。
  • 我之前曾使用过其他风格的 bib 文件,例如 IEEE,...。
  • 我正在winedt8.1使用windows






\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}%(only for the pdftex engine)
%\RequirePackage[no-math]{fontspec}%(only for the luatex or the xetex engine)
\articletype{Research Article{\hfill}Open Access}
\author*[1]{Corresponding Author}
\affil[1]{Affil, E-mail: [email protected]}
\title{\huge Article title}
\runningtitle{Article title}
\paragraph{Reference to a standard}
Elements to cite:
Standard symbol and number,
Title \cite{standard-1}.
% >>>>> I replaced the following lines >>>>>
%\bibitem{standard-2} ISO/TR 9544:1988, Information processing --- Computer-assisted publishing --- Vocabulary

% >>>>> with these lines >>>>>>>



如果我将您的样式文件重命名dgruyter.stydgruyter_author.sty并将丢失的徽标dg-degruyter.png(它在样式文件中调用!)放入同一目录中,并将带有包的 bib 文件添加filecontents到您的 MWE 中,它会为我编译,并显示来自样式文件的两个警告。

新的 MWE 为:

  title     = {Convergence of Probability Measures},
  author    = {P. Billingsley},
  year      = {1968},
  publisher = {Wiley, New York},

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}%(only for the pdftex engine)
%\RequirePackage[no-math]{fontspec}%(only for the luatex or the xetex engine)

%\usepackage[big]{dgruyter} % throws two warnings
\usepackage[big]{dgruyter_author} % file dgruyter.sty -> dgruyter_author.sty
\articletype{Research Article{\hfill}Open Access}
\author*[1]{Corresponding Author}
\affil[1]{Affil, E-mail: [email protected]}
\title{\huge Article title}
\runningtitle{Article title}
\paragraph{Reference to a standard}
Elements to cite:
Standard symbol and number,
Title \cite{billingsley}.
% >>>>> I replaced the following lines >>>>>
%\bibitem{standard-2} ISO/TR 9544:1988, Information processing --- Computer-assisted publishing --- Vocabulary

% >>>>> with these lines >>>>>>>


请尝试这个新的 MWE,并告诉我们它是否显示您想要的结果。
