RevTex 4.1 - 当 JOURNAL 字段为空时,参考书目中会出现多余的逗号

RevTex 4.1 - 当 JOURNAL 字段为空时,参考书目中会出现多余的逗号

我必须用 RevTex 4.1 编写一篇论文以供提交,但在参考书目页面方面遇到了麻烦。

每当我引用一篇尚未在期刊上发表的论文时,就像 arXiv 上的大多数论文一样,我会在参考书目页面的相应行中看到多余的逗号。

我确信这是一个愚蠢的错误,但我在 Google 上找不到答案,因此提出了这个问题。

样本 tex 文件:



\title{This is a sample title}

\affiliation{University 1}
\affiliation{University 2}

This is a sample abstract.  


This is a sample intro. And this is a sample citation \cite{Anand2009}.
This is a sample conclusion.


示例 references.bib:

abstract = {Trust lies at the crux of most economic transactions, with credit markets being a notable example. Drawing on insights from the literature on coordination games and network growth, we develop a simple model to clarify how trust breaks down in financial systems. We show how the arrival of bad news about a financial agent can lead others to lose confidence in it and how this, in turn, can spread across the entire system. Our results emphasize the role of hysteresis -- it takes considerable effort to regain trust once it has been broken. Although simple, the model provides a plausible account of the credit freeze that followed the global financial crisis of 2007/8, both in terms of the sequence of events and the measures taken (and being proposed) by the authorities.},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
arxivId = {0911.3099},
author = {Anand, Kartik and Gai, Prasanna and Marsili, Matteo},
eprint = {0911.3099},
month = nov,
pages = {21},
title = {Financial crises and the evaporation of trust},
url = {},
year = {2009}

使用 pdflatex+bibtex+pdflatex+pdflatex 的示例输出:截屏

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BibTeX 0.99d (TeX Live 2013/Debian)
kpathsea version 6.1.1
Copyright 2013 Oren Patashnik.
There is NO warranty.  Redistribution of this software is
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the Lesser GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters, see the file
named COPYING and the BibTeX source.
Primary author of BibTeX: Oren Patashnik.




该领域journal必需的类型条目的字段@article。由于相关条目似乎仅在arxiv预印本中可用,因此您可能不应该@article为其使用条目类型。相反,请考虑使用 catch-all@misc条目类型。(您也可以尝试@unpublished。)


  archivePrefix = {arXiv},
  arxivId = {0911.3099},
  author = {Anand, Kartik and Gai, Prasanna and Marsili, Matteo},
  eprint = {0911.3099},
  month = nov,
  pages = {21},
  title = {Financial crises and the evaporation of trust},
  url = {},
  year = {2009},



供将来参考,只需用@unpublished 替换@article,问题就解决。
