tcolorbox/makebox 占据页面剩余部分

tcolorbox/makebox 占据页面剩余部分

我正在尝试制作一个\开始{tcolorbox}它会占用页面的剩余部分以及其中嵌套的其他 tcolorbox,它们又会占用外部 tcolorbox 剩余的可用区域,即嵌套框会占用页面的剩余部分,以匹配我试图模仿的 Microsoft Word 表格的格式。然而,我想我一定是遇到了 Latex 中的某种基本问题或设计特性,因为我似乎找不到任何允许我将 makebox/tcolorbox 等的底部设置为页面底部或将大小设置为剩余页面大小的东西。我尝试使用的代码如下所示。(即在下面的代码中我不想使用 6em、30em 等)。如果可能的话,你能否也给我解释一下为什么这通常很难做到。


\begin{tcolorbox}[title=Outter tcolor Bo : I want to consume the whole page height,height=\textheight]
    \begin{tcolorbox}[breakable,title=First Box: I want consume only required height,height=6em]
        I woud like this tcbbox to be a natural height and not inherit height from parent.
    \begin{tcolorbox}[breakable,title=Second Box: I want to consume the remaining height,height=30em]
        I woud like this tcbbox to consume the rest of the page



实现这样的结果有点棘手,因为内部文本内容是先组装的,然后构造外部框。我的答案侵入了内部tcolorbox并将可用空间保存到写入aux文件的宏中。经过两次编译后,内部部分“知道”可用空间。保存宏由选项定义save height




  save height/.code={%




\begin{tcolorbox}[save height=\MyHeight,title=Outer tcolorbox: I want to consume the whole page height]
    \begin{tcolorbox}[title=First Box: I want consume only required height,]
        I woud like this tcbbox to be a natural height and not inherit height from parent.
    \begin{tcolorbox}[title=Second Box: I want to consume the remaining height,height=\MyHeight]
        I woud like this tcbbox to consume the rest of the page


\begin{tcolorbox}[save height=\MyHeightTwo,title=Outer tcolorbox: I want to consume the whole page height]
    \begin{tcolorbox}[title=First Box: I want consume only required height,]
        I woud like this tcbbox to be a natural height and not inherit height from parent.
    \begin{tcolorbox}[title=Second Box: I want to consume the remaining height,height=\MyHeightTwo]
        I woud like this tcbbox to consume the rest of the page


在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述
