tufte-handout - 对话行距被脚注打破

tufte-handout - 对话行距被脚注打破

我正在使用dialogue包和tufte-handout类 - MWE 如下。我遇到的问题如图所示。插入脚注(实际上是引文)后,对话其余部分的段落间距被压缩到文档的其余部分。






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  title={Interpretation-driven association in design},
  author={Grace, Kazjon},
  school={University of Sydney},
  note={Design Lab of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning},
  annote={A computational model of situated analogy making based on the transformation of conceptual spaces.}


\section{Panel session}

\speak{Robert} Experimental film maker started to do video installations
bringing abstract worlds back into reality. 
\speak{Mitu} Indie game developer but also a PhD student. 
\speak{Kaz} I came to CC from design cognition. PhD was in ``How do we
look at a model of analogy making''\cite{kaz-thesis}
\speak{JC} \direct{To \refer{himself}.} This seems very interesting!
\speak{JC} \direct{To \refer{sxe}.}  Oh wait, it's teh broak.




基于 Barbara Beeton 的评论:

