
我的问题是,我认为我为 Mac 安装了错误的软件包。我显然无法写出 ö、ü、ä,而且不知何故软件包“ \usepackage[applemac]{inputenc}
% packages.tex
% provides used packages
%%%% Language %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
{ %% German
\usepackage[english,ngerman]{babel} % wähle Neudeutsch als Erstsprache, Englisch als Zweitsprache (für Trennregeln)
{ %% English
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%%%% General
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%%%% Graphics
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%%% PGF % TikZ
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%%%% enhance functionality
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shortlabels% compatibility with \usepackage{enumerate}, which is now obsolete
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%%%% Miscelangelous
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%%%% Index
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%%%% Nomenclature (List of Symbols and Abbreviations)
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%%%% Acronym
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%%%% Bibliography
backend=bibtex8, %bibtex, %biber, %bibtex8,
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%%%% Creative Commons
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%%%% PDF/A PDF/X support
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%%%% Glossary (load after hyperref)
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%%%% End %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%