



 \graphicspath{ {images/} }


\caption{\bf {\large Overview of the integrity discovery system using secure introspection}}


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Cloud infrastructure commonly relies on virtualization. Customers


\section*{\raggedright{\bf{\Large{1. INTRODUCTION}}}}
Cloud computing holds significant promise to improve the deployment
and management of services by allowing the efficient 
sharing of hardware resources. In a typical cloud scenario, a user
\section*{\raggedright{\bf{\Large{3. OVERVIEW OF OUR ARCHITECTURE}}}}
Ensuring integrity in a running operating system is a daunting
\caption{\bf {\large Overview of the integrity discovery system using secure     introspection}}
challenge, and one that has been explored for a long time in the
research community. In a system running on real hardware, all integrity
checks need to be done from within the system being monitored,
which inevitably raises the question of how to verify the




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\IEEEpubid{\makebox[\columnwidth]{ \copyright 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-784-4/09/11...\$10.00 \hfill}
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Cloud infrastructure commonly relies on virtualization. Customers

Cloud computing holds significant promise to improve the deployment
and management of services by allowing the efficient 
sharing of hardware resources. In a typical cloud scenario, a user

Ensuring integrity in a running operating system is a daunting
\caption{Overview of the integrity discovery system using secure     introspection}
challenge, and one that has been explored for a long time in the
research community. In a system running on real hardware, all integrity
checks need to be done from within the system being monitored,
which inevitably raises the question of how to verify the

Ensuring integrity in a running operating system is a daunting
\caption{Overview of the integrity discovery system using secure     introspection}
challenge, and one that has been explored for a long time in the
research community. In a system running on real hardware, all integrity
checks need to be done from within the system being monitored,
which inevitably raises the question of how to verify the



另一种方法是按照@Bernard 的指示。此外,我添加了caption用于微调字幕的软件包命令 \captionof{...}{...}将标题放在或者人物.我认为你应该放一些类似



\captionof{figure}{Overview of the integrity discovery system using secure introspection}
