在 Windows 上,使用 crop=on 时 pspictures 会消失

在 Windows 上,使用 crop=on 时 pspictures 会消失



在 Windows 上使用 pdflatex 运行时,会生成仅包含“aaaa bbbb”的 PDF 文件 - 没有框架。在 Ubuntu 上,此方法可正常运行。

以下是 Windows 上的完整日志文件:

    This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.5-1.40.14 (MiKTeX 2.9) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2014.3.10)  30 NOV 2014 17:36
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2011/06/27>
Babel <v3.8m> and hyphenation patterns for english, afrikaans, ancientgreek, ar
abic, armenian, assamese, basque, bengali, bokmal, bulgarian, catalan, coptic, 
croatian, czech, danish, dutch, esperanto, estonian, farsi, finnish, french, ga
lician, german, german-x-2013-05-26, greek, gujarati, hindi, hungarian, iceland
ic, indonesian, interlingua, irish, italian, kannada, kurmanji, latin, latvian,
 lithuanian, malayalam, marathi, mongolian, mongolianlmc, monogreek, ngerman, n
german-x-2013-05-26, nynorsk, oriya, panjabi, pinyin, polish, portuguese, roman
ian, russian, sanskrit, serbian, slovak, slovenian, spanish, swedish, swissgerm
an, tamil, telugu, turkish, turkmen, ukenglish, ukrainian, uppersorbian, usengl
ishmax, welsh, loaded.
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(etexcmds)             That can mean that you are not using pdfTeX 1.50 or
(etexcmds)             that some package has redefined \expanded.
(etexcmds)             In the latter case, load this package earlier.
runsystem(echo " ")...executed.

runsystem(echo "-------------------------------------------------")...executed.

runsystem(echo "auto-pst-pdf: Auxiliary LaTeX compilation")...executed.

runsystem(echo "-------------------------------------------------")...executed.

runsystem(del "mwe-pics.pdf")...executed.

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runsystem(ps2pdf  "mwe-autopp.ps" "mwe-autopp.pdf")...executed.

runsystem(pdfcrop  "mwe-autopp.pdf" "mwe-pics.pdf")...executed.

Package auto-pst-pdf Warning: 
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This warning occured on input line 124.

Package auto-pst-pdf Warning: 
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This warning occured on input line 124.

runsystem(echo "-------------------------------------------------")...executed.

runsystem(echo "auto-pst-pdf: End auxiliary LaTeX compilation")...executed.

runsystem(echo "-------------------------------------------------")...executed.

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`pst-fp' v0.05, 2010/01/17 (hv)
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("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\generic\pgf\math\pgfmathfunctions.random.code
("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\generic\pgf\math\pgfmathfunctions.comparison.
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("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\generic\pgf\math\pgfmathfunctions.round.code.
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`PSTricks' v2.57  <2014/08/27> (tvz)
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Package xcolor Info: Model `HTML' substituted by `rgb' on input line 1355.
Package xcolor Info: Model `Hsb' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1356.
Package xcolor Info: Model `tHsb' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1357.
Package xcolor Info: Model `HSB' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1358.
Package xcolor Info: Model `Gray' substituted by `gray' on input line 1359.
Package xcolor Info: Model `wave' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1360.

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Package: trimspaces 2009/09/17 v1.1 Trim spaces around a token list
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LaTeX Font Info:    Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 4.
LaTeX Font Info:    ... okay on input line 4.
LaTeX Font Info:    Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 4.
LaTeX Font Info:    ... okay on input line 4.
LaTeX Font Info:    Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 4.
LaTeX Font Info:    ... okay on input line 4.
LaTeX Font Info:    Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 4.
LaTeX Font Info:    ... okay on input line 4.
LaTeX Font Info:    Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 4.
LaTeX Font Info:    ... okay on input line 4.

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[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).]
Preview: Fontsize 10pt
Preview: PDFoutput 1

Package pst-pdf Warning: pspicture No. 1 undefined.

Package pst-pdf Warning: File `mwe-pics.pdf' not found.
(pst-pdf)                Use the following commands to create it:
(pst-pdf)                ---------------------------------------------------- 
(pst-pdf)                latex mwe.tex
(pst-pdf)                dvips -o mwe-pics.ps mwe.dvi
(pst-pdf)                ps2pdf mwe-pics.ps
(pst-pdf)                ---------------------------------------------------- .


Non-PDF special ignored!
Non-PDF special ignored!
Non-PDF special ignored!{C:/ProgramData/MiKTeX/2.9/pdftex/config/pdftex.map}]
(F:\Dropbox\papers\FairAndSquareProportional\mwe.aux) ) 
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
 8506 strings out of 493921
 150399 string characters out of 3147252
 198209 words of memory out of 3000000
 11707 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+200000
 3640 words of font info for 14 fonts, out of 3000000 for 9000
 841 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
 50i,5n,44p,485b,121s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,50000s
<C:/Program Files/MiKTeX
Output written on mwe.pdf (1 page, 10384 bytes).
PDF statistics:
 10 PDF objects out of 1000 (max. 8388607)
 0 named destinations out of 1000 (max. 500000)
 1 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 10000 (max. 10000000)

当我改为“crop=off”时,它在 Windows 中也能正常工作(但这有其他不良的副作用)。


pdfcrop需要安装 Perl 语言。您的系统上是否安装了 Perl 语言?我想没有。然后从以下位置安装一个:http://www.activestate.com/activeperl或者http://strawberryperl.com/ 应该crop=on可以工作。

为了进行测试,打开终端(DOS 窗口)进入文档目录并手动运行: pdflatex -shell-escape <file>
