pgfplots 兼容性警告中提到的“不合适的刻度标签”到底是什么?

pgfplots 兼容性警告中提到的“不合适的刻度标签”到底是什么?

当我使用 pgfplots 时,收到以下警告:

软件包 pgfplots 警告:以向后兼容模式运行(不合适的刻度标签;缺少功能)。请考虑将 \pgfplotsset{compat=1.11} 写入您的前言中。

我了解到这是正常的,并且警告是有充分理由的。但是,我现在面临一些与刻度标签相关的问题,我想知道这是否与此警告有关。(其他问题日期图 x 轴上为单个年份间隔,任何帮助仍心存感激)。



随着时间的推移,Christian 修复了很多与勾选标签有关的问题,有些问题源自于这里提出的问题,有些问题来自像我和这里的其他用户这样的持续滥用者。


2010-09-08 Christian Feuersaenger <[email protected]>
- added 'table/every nth row' key
- fixed bug: now, extra tick labels can have a different 'ticklabel pos'
than the original axes (it was broken since 1.2.2)
- fixed bug: it is now allowed to provide '#' (hash sign) in \addplot
option arguments (for example to define 'x filter/.code={...#1...}')
- added support for \pgfplotsforeachungrouped \a/\b in {...} syntax


2010-07-09 Christian Feuersaenger <[email protected]>
- fixed bug: the check whether lists are terminated by '\\' failed if '\\'
occured within the list. This affected mainly legends and tick label
- improved and documented customized legends, including optional
appearance keys for specific legend texts
|\addlegendentry[<options>]{<text>}| and documentation for multiline
legend entries.


2009-12-02 Christian Feuersaenger <[email protected]>
- found and fixed bug: tick labels could penetrate the axis. This should
no longer happen.


人们为保持向后兼容性付出了巨大的努力,但总有一个过时的发行版仍保留着 1.3 之前的版本,在我看来,他们应该进行更新,而不是花费这么多精力来保持向后兼容性。
