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| Left Page | Right Page |
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| 1 foreign words here | running translation goes 1R |
| glossed words here | here and continues etc. 2R |
| 2 more foreign text | |
| more glossed text | |
| 3 next chunk of text | running translation of 3R |
| next gloss of text | next chunk here. 4R |
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(因为如果不欺骗 eledpar 让它认为这些线在左边,那么可能无法让它在右边添加额外的线!)
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| Left Page | Right Page |
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| 1 foreign words here | running translation goes 1R |
| glossed words here | here and continues etc. 2R |
| 3 more foreign text | |
| more glossed text | |
| 5 next chunk of text | running translation of 3R |
| next gloss of text | next chunk here. 4R |
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%!TEX program = xelatex
\setmainfont{Hoefler Text}
\newcommand\mll{\gln \glend \smallskip}
\newcommand\nl{\mll \ml}
\ml Imbelli Dei! su via, scagliate il vostro
cowardly gods up away throw the your
\nl più fatale rigor! Non pave l'alma.
most deadly severity not fears the.soul
\nl Se costretto son io, fra vili spoglie,
if constrained am I in vile clothes
\nl errar fra queste selve,
to.stray through these woods
\nl profugo e sconosciuto,
fugitive and unknown
\nl un dì saprò punir de' miei vassali
one day I.will.know to.punish of.the my vassals
\nl i ribelli tumulti, indi più fiero,
the rebel riots then more proud
\nl ascenderò sul trono,
I.shall.ascend on.the throne
\nl se Licaon e re d'Arcadia io sono.
if Lycaon and King of.Arcadia I am
\mll \pend
\textbf{Some non-glossed text here}
\ml Oh quanto bella gloria
oh how beautiful glory
\nl è quella del cacciator.
is that of.the hunter
\nl Ha sempre la vittoria,
has always the victory
\nl né vinto è dall'amor.
nor defeated is by.love
\mll \pend
Cowardly Gods! arise, throw your deadliest severity at me!
My soul is not afraid. If I am forced to wander through these woods in vile clothes,
fugitive and unknown, one day I will know how to punish the rebellious rioting of my vassals,
and then, with greater pride, I shall ascend to the throne, if I am Lycaon and King of Arcadia.
\textbf{This should line up with the non-glossed text}
Oh how beautiful is the glory of the hunter. He always has victory, nor is he defeated by love.