




将 \raggedbottom 范围限定为单个页面看起来很有希望,但提供的答案对我来说不起作用 - 或者也许我错过了一些关于如何实施答案的东西。


这是我的(更新的、可编译的)MWE——我可能包含了超出必要范围的内容,但我对 LaTeX 的了解还不够,不知道各种软件包如何交互,我希望找到一个可以保留我现有工作(前言、目录等)的解决方案。我已经合并了Werner 和 Barbara 的有益建议(在 MWE 中注明)但它显然与其他软件包配合不佳......

*编辑:这是我用来强制脚注在每个新章节开始重新编号的一段代码。我注意到@Werner 的解决方案干扰了该功能,所以也许这\usepackage{etoolbox}就是问题所在?



但也许不是。不过,我的想法是这样的:据我所知,etoolbox允许我修补\chapter命令而不是制作一个全新的替换命令,对吗?也许有一种方法可以使用@Werner 的一般方法来操纵命令\chapter,但使用额外的补丁,如上所述?我会努力,如果有任何进展,我会更新。非常感谢迄今为止做出贡献的所有人。你太棒了。我是一个几乎没有技术知识的神学家,所以我对你能做的事情感到惊讶。这是完整的 MWE。我尝试修改下面的 Werner 方法,将其纳入修补\etoolbox而不是重写\chapter。我编译时不再出现错误,脚注计数器会随着每个新章节重置,但章节末尾的脚注仍然牢牢地粘在页面底部。知道我错过了什么吗?



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\chapter*{\vspace{1in}\doublespacing{ABSTRACT\\*Dissertation Title\\*Student Name\\*Mentor: Somebody, Ph.D.}}



%Copyright page
Copyright \copyright 2015 Daniel J. Marrs

All rights reserved


\renewcommand{\contentsname}{TABLE OF CONTENTS}

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\normalfont{LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS}}

\begin{longtable}[l]{p{.55in} p{5.20in}}

AN & ``Armed Neutrality.'' See \textit{The Point of View} (PV). \\%[12pt]
BA & \textit{The Book on Adler}, trans. Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. \\
C & \textit{The Crisis and a Crisis in the Life of an Actress}. See \textit{Christian Discourses} (CD). \\
CA & \textit{The Concept of Anxiety}, trans. Reidar Thomte in collaboration with Albert B. Anderson. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980. \\
CD & \textit{Christian Discourses} and \textit{The Crisis and a Crisis in the Life of an Actress}, trans. Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989. \\
CI & \textit{The Concept of Irony} and ``Notes on Schelling's Berlin Lectures,'' trans. Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997. \\
COR & \textit{The Corsair Affair}, trans. Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1982. \\



something something something


 \protect\noindent Chapter\protect\par




\chapter*{CHAPTER THREE\\*The Context: Freedom, Ethics, and Evil}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\normalfont{\hspace{.2in}3. THE CONTEXT: FREEDOM, ETHICS, AND EVIL}}

Kierkegaard's anthropology can be contextualized fruitfully in a variety of ways. Take \textit{Concept of Anxiety}, which we examined cursorily in Chapter 2: due to its status as an especially detailed expression of Kierkegaard's anthropology, as well as a philosophically-dense and polemically engaged work, I contend that if we situate its argument in relation to certain anthropological discourses of the day, we not only get a better sense of the pseudonymous Vigilius Haufnienesis' project in that particular work but also a richer, more contextualized view of Kierkegaard's overall anthropology. Put simply, concerns and categories that figure prominently in \textit{Concept of Anxiety} continued to characterize Kierkegaard's anthropology to the very latest stages of his authorship. 


\section*{3.1 Toward Autonomy\footnote{For the sake of simplicity, I offer here at the outset a brief explanatory note regarding references to Kant's writings: all citations of \textit{Kritik der reinen Vernunft} (\textit{The Critique of Pure Reason}) follow the standard practice of citing the A/B editions of 1781 and 1787. Citations of other works refer to the standard German edition of Kant's works. These citations are designated by ``Ak'' followed by the volume and the page number. The sources for English quotations for each work are indicated in footnotes (all of which use a paginating that is keyed to the Ak or A/B editions).}}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\indent\normalfont{3.1 Toward Autonomy}}

Kant's theory of freedom in terms of the autonomous will---``the will's property of being a law to itself''\footnote{Ak 4: 447.}---finds its roots in his critical epistemology and his trajectory toward the prioritization of practical reason. A brief overview of Kant's intellectual journey to autonomy will help highlight how the human self came to be seen as the central locus of not only the \textit{problem} of the incommensurability of thought and existence, but also the \textit{solution} to that incommensurability.

\section*{3.2 Schelling, Pro and Contra Autonomy\footnote{Regarding references to Schelling's work, page numbers and volume information refer to. I let the context indicate which work is being quoted, while footnotes simply take the form of \textit{Werke} followed by numbers indicating volume and pagination. Where pertinent, I cite the English translations utilized, all of which are keyed to the pagination of the \textit{Werke}.}}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\indent\normalfont{3.2 Schelling, Pro and Contra Autonomy}}

Schelling's first system (and, for that matter, Hegel's system, which can be thought of as essentially an expansion of the early Schelling) is a continuation of the particular trajectory in Kant's thought described above---the systematization of the reciprocity of freedom and law. But eventually, Schelling, and Kierkegaard after him, found the ethical and existential cost of such systematization to be far too high. In preparation for my examination in the next chapter of the  shape of Kierkegaard's  approach to this essentially Kantian problematic in \textit{Concept of Anxiety}, I will offer a brief synopsis of Schelling's early systematization and later critique of Kantian autonomy---a critique that Kierkegaard leveraged heavily in his early accounts of human freedom and ethics.

\subsection*{3.2.1 Schelling's Early Systematization}
\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\hspace{.25in}\normalfont{3.2.1 Schelling's Early Systematization}}

In contrast to Kant's strategy of interminably parsing and re-parsing ever-finer distinctions within his concept of freedom, the early Schelling plunged headlong into the awkward ethical implications of Kantian autonomy. Like Kant, Schelling early in his career began to see freedom as centrally important for the human's unifying role in the world: in freedom we find ``a fulcrum on which reason can rest its lever, without therefore placing it in the present or in a future world but only in the \textit{inner sense of freedom}, because it unites both worlds in itself.''\footnote{\textit{Werke} 1: 401, quoted and translated in: xxxvii.} Also like Kant, Schelling wrestled with two competing impulses inherent in the idealist framework regarding the status of freedom. His early systematization of Kant's philosophy relied heavily upon the notion of a ``pre-established harmony'' between freedom and nature, a harmony rooted in the eternal mutuality of the subjective freedom of the Absolute on one hand, and the objective determinations of history on the other. In his \textit{System of Transcendental idealism} (1800), Schelling describes history as a drama, with each individual actor (as the \textit{disjecti membra po\"etae}, of the single, spiritual Absolute) participating in the subjective Absolute's own drive toward successive self-disclosure in objective history.\footnote{\textit{Werke} 3: 602; all English translations of this text are drawn from.} 

Each of these categories (the individual, freedom, and ethics) seem to imply or require one another: ethics requires a certain kind of individual with a certain kind of freedom; freedom grants the kind of individual for whom ethical requirements make sense; and the individual only matters \textit{qua} individual against the backdrop of freedom and ethics understood as somehow distinct from the determinism of nature and nature's laws.\footnote{Kant only introduced the concepts of God, freedom, and revelation in order to bolster or fill out his fundamental accounts of autonomous freedom and reason; this is especially evident in Kant's discussions of Christ and scripture, which he consistently depicts either as already in agreement with human reason, or else subject to reinterpretation or judgment by human reason [cite Kant's inquiry into human origins and also his comment in MM about Christ himself being subject to judgment by the human's practical, moral reason.] Conversely, Schelling offers a fairly robust (if unorthodox) account of revelation in terms of God (as personal spirit) seeking to manifest Godself in creation; furthermore, Schelling's account of revelation centers upon the eternal divine Word becoming incarnate as a personal creature in history (\textit{Werke}, 7: 373--8).}







\chapter{Lorem ipsum}
Some mid-document\footnote{This is a footnote.}.
Some text\footnote{This is a footnote.}.


\chapter{Ipsum lorem}
Some footenote\footnote{This is a footnote.}
Some footenote\footnote{This is a footnote.}

