




\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1in,left=1in,right=1in]{geometry}
\usepackage{listings}                       % for codes
\usepackage{amsmath}                        % for matrices 
\usepackage{tikz}                           % for flowcharts
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows}


\subsection{Derivatives and Integrals}



        \item \hspace{0.5in} Derivatives are used to analyse the rate in which a variable changes its value related with another, if it is fast, slow or non-existent. Some examples are: the body response due to a drug dosage or the cost of a production due to the quantity of any special material used.

        \item \hspace{0.5in} The derivative of a function $f(x)$ related to the variable $x$ is the                                         function $f'$ which value in $x$ is defined by:

        $$f'(x) = \frac{d}{dx} f(x) = \lim_{h \to 0} \frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}$$

        \item \hspace{0.5in} One of the most important use of the derivatives is to know in what point              $c$ a function reach its maximum and minimum values, which can be found by:

        $$f'(c) = 0$$ 

        \item[Useful Derivatives]


        \begin{tabular}{l l}

        $y = u^n \Rightarrow y' = n \ u^{n-1} \ u'$ & $y = u^v \Rightarrow y' = v \ u^{v-1} \ u' + u^v \ (ln \ u) \ v'$ \\
        $y = uv \Rightarrow y' = vu'+uv'$ & $y = sin \ u \Rightarrow y' = u' \ cos \ u$ \\
        $y = \displaystyle{\frac{u}{v}} \Rightarrow y' = \displaystyle{\frac{vu'-uv'}{v^2}}$ & $y = cos \ u \Rightarrow y' = -u' \ sin \ u$ \\
        $y = a^u \Rightarrow y' = a^u \ (ln \ a) \ u'$ & $y = tan \ u \Rightarrow y' = u' \ sec^2u$ \\
        $y = log_au \Rightarrow y' = \displaystyle{\frac{u'}{u}} log_a e$ & $y = sec \ u \Rightarrow y' = u' \ sec \ u  \ tan \ u$







\section{Derivatives and Integrals}


Derivatives are used to analyse the rate in which a variable changes its value related with another, if it is fast, slow or non-existent. Some examples are: the body response due to a drug dosage or the cost of a production due to the quantity of any special material used.

The derivative of a function~$f(x)$ related to the variable~$x$ is the function~$f'$ which value in~$x$ is defined by:
  f'(x) = \frac{d}{dx} f(x) = \lim_{h \to 0} \frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}

One of the most important use of the derivatives is to know in what point~$c$ a function reach its maximum and minimum values, which can be found by:
  f'(c) = 0

\subsection{Useful Derivatives}

  \begin{array}{l @{\quad\Rightarrow\quad} l @{\qquad} l @{\quad\Rightarrow\quad} l}
    y = u^n & y' = n u^{n-1} u' & y = u^v & y' = v u^{v-1} u' + u^v (\ln u) v' \\
    y = uv & y' = vu' + uv' & y = \sin u & y' = u' \cos u \\
    y = \dfrac{u}{v} & y' = \dfrac{vu'-uv'}{v^2} & y = \cos u & y' = -u' \sin u \\
    y = a^u & y' = a^u (\ln a) u' & y = \tan u & y' = u' \sec^2u \\
    y = \log_a u & y' = \dfrac{u'}{u} \log_a e & y = \sec u & y' = u' \sec u \tan u


请注意,我使用了数学运算符\tan\sin\cos\sec和 ,\log并且\ln没有强制数学变量周围的间距。让 TeX 为您完成这项工作。

另外,不要使用繁琐的条目化,而是description根据部门单位进行设置。您可以通过设置secnumdepth( 为 0;只对章节进行编号,而文章中没有章节) 来打开/关闭编号。

最后,无需table环境即可设置tabular。相反,由于您希望“数学”水平居中,因此我使用了带有 的tabular显示数学\[... 。\]array


以下是与示例代码的表格部分相关的建议。我建议创建一个表格,提供一个标题行,并删除所有y =y' =\Rightarrow内容,以便读者专注于要点。array列中的材料自动设置为模式,并通过设置为(默认值:)来\displaystyle模拟 TeX 显示的方程式的外观。\arraystretch1.51.0


\usepackage{array} % for "\newcolumntype" macro
\newcolumntype{L}{>{\displaystyle}l} % automatic \displaystyle
\renewcommand\arraystretch{1.5}  % simulate spacing of displayed equations
  \begin{array}{@{} L @{\quad} L @{\qquad\quad} L @{\quad} L @{}}
    $Function$  & $Derivative$          & $Function$ & $Derivative$\\
    u^n         & n u^{n-1} u'          & u^v        & v u^{v-1} u' + u^v (\ln u) v' \\
    uv          & vu' + uv'             & \sin u     & u' \cos u \\
    \frac{u}{v} & \frac{vu'-uv'}{v^2}   & \cos u     & -u' \sin u \\
    a^u         & a^u (\ln a) u'        & \tan u     & u' \sec^2u \\
    \log_a u    & \frac{u'}{u} \log_a e & \sec u     & u' \sec u \tan u \\
