eledmac/eledpar/LuaTeX:页面环境中 RTL 文本段落右对齐

eledmac/eledpar/LuaTeX:页面环境中 RTL 文本段落右对齐

我有一个 LuaTex eledmac++eledpar设置,用于叙利亚语和英语的关键版本(在对开页上)。奇怪的是,当我进入结构时,运行 RTL 的叙利亚语文本没有在右侧对齐,而是在列的左侧\begin{pages}...\end{pages}对齐eledpar

以下 MWE 说明了我的意思。有人能帮助我使以下叙利亚语段落的叙利亚语文本\eledsection与整个页面的右侧对齐吗?



\newcommand{\textsyriac}[1] % Syriac inside LTR
           {\bgroup\luatextextdir TRT\syriacfont #1\egroup}
\newcommand{\n}         [1] % for digits inside Arabic text
           {\bgroup\luatextextdir TLT #1\egroup}
\newcommand{\syriacfootnote} [1] % Syriac Footnotes
\newenvironment{syriac}     % Syriac paragraph
           {\luatextextdir TRT\luatexpardir TRT\syriacfont}{}

The following syriac paragraph appears right-aligned as a whole: 

        1ܘܟܕ 2ܡܿܟܪܟܝ3ܢܢ ܐܪܟ4ܐܢܐ ܗ̄ 5ܡܘܪܐ6 ܗܿܝ ܩ7ܕܡܝܬܐ


But on the next page, neither the syriac section heading nor the syriac
paragraph are right-aligned, although they are correctly typsetted RTL: 

%% This text is aligned on the left, but should be on the right: 

%% This text is aligned on the left, but should be on the right: 
        1ܘܟܕ 2ܡܿܟܪܟܝ3ܢܢ ܐܪܟ4ܐܢܐ ܗ̄ 5ܡܘܪܐ6 ܗܿܝ ܩ7ܕܡܝܬܐ

       \eledsection{English headline} 

        Some english text. 




刚刚上传到 CTAN 的 eledmac/eledpar 版本 1.18.0 / 1.12.0 应该可以解决此问题。



正如我所说,使用 XeLaTeX,我可以通过以下 MWE 获得您需要的内容



\newfontfamily\syriacfont[Script=Syriac,Scale=1.2]{Estrangelo Edessa}

\newcommand{\n}         [1] % for digits inside Arabic text
           {\bgroup\LTR  #1\egroup}
\newcommand{\syriacfootnote} [1] % Syriac Footnotes

The following syriac paragraph appears right-aligned as a whole: 

        1ܘܟܕ 2ܡܿܟܪܟܝ3ܢܢ ܐܪܟ4ܐܢܐ ܗ̄ 5ܡܘܪܐ6 ܗܿܝ ܩ7ܕܡܝܬܐ


But on the next page, neither the syriac section heading nor the syriac
paragraph are right-aligned, although they are correctly typsetted RTL: 


%% This text is aligned on the left, but should be on the right: 


%% This text is aligned on the left, but should be on the right: 
        1ܘܟܕ 2ܡܿܟܪܟܝ3ܢܢ ܐܪܟ4ܐܢܐ ܗ̄ 5ܡܘܪܐ6 ܗܿܝ ܩ7ܕܡܝܬܐ


       \eledsection{English headline} 

        Some english text. 


