&&&&&&&&&100\%&continueous&&worker& \\
&&&&\multirow{-2}*{suface quality}&&&\multirow{-2}{60mm}{The financials crashed and burned during the 2008 meltdown but have since been in recovery mode with the rest of the market. This article will explore the risks and rewards associated with these Financial ETFs to identify which have been the best performers.}&\multirow{-2}*{check}&\multicolumn{2}{c|}{SPDR SP Bank ETF}&&worker&\multirow{-2}{30mm}{The Best Financial ETFs} \\
% arara: pdflatex
&&&&\multirow{5}*{suface quality}&&&\multirow{5}{\hsize}{The financials crashed and burned during the 2008 meltdown but have since been in recovery mode with the rest of the market. This article will explore the risks and rewards associated with these Financial ETFs to identify which have been the best performers.}&\multirow{5}*{check}&\SI{100}{\percent}&continueous&&worker& \multirow{5}{\hsize}{The Best Financial ETFs} \\\cline{10-13}
&&&&&&&&&\multicolumn{2}{c|}{\multirow{3}*{SPDR SP Bank ETF}}&&\multirow{3}*{worker}& \\