为什么 XeLaTeX 要将英式英语文本推到边缘?

为什么 XeLaTeX 要将英式英语文本推到边缘?

我遇到了 TeX/LaTex/XeLaTex 似乎无法正确计算常规段落中的换行符的问题。这是在我尝试使用不同的字体(特别是 Linux Libertine)时发生的,我发现在使用 Linux Libertine 时,XeLaTex 有时会让行溢出到右侧边距,而原因并不明显。

我是 TeX 新手,但我认为我已经将问题缩小到使用 babel(甚至是 polyglossia)软件包与某些字体(例如 Linux Libertine)结合时存在“british”或“UKenglish”语言选项。以下是我到目前为止设法弄清楚的:


  1. 使用 (a) TeX 的默认字体和 (b) babel 包并将语言选项设置为英国或美国英语的任何选项,通过 pdfLaTeX 排版/编译文档;

  2. 使用 XeLaTex 排版文档,使用 (a) Times New Roman 字体 — \setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Times New Roman} — 和 (b) babel 或 polyglossia 包,并将语言选项设置为“british”或“UKenglish”;

  3. 使用 XeLaTex 排版文档,使用 (a) Linux Libertine 字体 — \setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Linux Libertine} — 但使用 (b) babel 或 polyglossia 包并将语言选项设置为任何形式的美国人英语。


  1. 使用 XeLaTex 排版文档,使用 (a) Linux Libertine 字体和 (b) babel 或 polyglossia 包并将语言选项设置为任何形式的英国英语(“英国”或“UKenglish”)。

换句话说,只有当以下所有情况都成立时才会出现问题:使用 (1) XeLatex、(2) Linux Libertine 字体和 (3) 语言选项“british”或“UKenglish”进行排版。

在我这个未经训练的 TeX 专家看来,问题似乎是由“british”或“UKenglish”语言选项引起的。但“british”或“UKenglish”是我必须使用的语言选项,所以我陷入了困境。我就是搞不清楚为什么会发生这种情况,或者如何解决它。

我添加了一个 MWE 并附加了显示该问题的 PNG 图像。当然,MWE 只是一个“示例”文档,但我在其他“真实”文档中也遇到了类似的问题。在 MWE 中,我看到的问题发生在第二段的第一句中:它直接延伸到边距。

LOG 文件显示以下内容:第 26-40 行段落中的 \hbox 过满(太宽 9.32085pt)[]\EU1/LinuxLibertineO(0)/m/n/12 当然,我们的回报和快乐就像我们的麻烦一样突然席卷而来;


这是 MWE,下面是 PNG 图像:

%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Linux Libertine O}



With the sorrow of living so great, the sorrow of punishment had to be pitiless. We lived for the day and died for it. When there was reason and desire to punish we wrote our lesson with gun or whip immediately in the sullen flesh of the sufferer, and the case was beyond appeal. The desert did not afford the refined slow penalties of courts and gaols.

Of course our rewards and pleasures were as suddenly sweeping as our troubles; but, to me in particular, they bulked less large. Bedouin ways were hard even for those brought up to them, and for strangers terrible: a death in life. When the march or labour ended I had no energy to record sensation, nor while it lasted any leisure to see the spiritual loveliness which sometimes came upon us by the way. In my notes, the cruel rather than the beautiful found place. We no doubt enjoyed more the rare moments of peace and forgetfulness; but I remember more the agony, the terrors, and the mistakes. Our life is not summed up in what I have written (there are things not to be repeated in cold blood for very shame); but what I have written was in and of our life. Pray God that men reading the story will not, for love of the glamour of strangeness, go out to prostitute themselves and their talents in serving another race.


(T.\ E.\ Lawrence, \emph{Seven Pillars of Wisdom})






  1. 添加连字符点trou\-bles(本地)或全局:

    selectlanguage[variant=british]{english} \hyphenation{trou-bles}

  2. 允许 latex 使用更多空间,例如通过设置\emergencystretchhttps://texfaq.org/FAQ-overfull

  3. 切换到可以进行字体扩展的lualatex。
