我正在写论文,用的是 LaTeX。我发现参考文献中有一个问题。我使用两种语言来写参考文献:西班牙语和英语,但对于最后一种语言,我无法将单词“En”改为“In”。
crossref = {book2014},
author = {Malaspina, U. and Vallejo, E.},
title = {Creaci\'on de {P}roblemas en la {D}ocencia e {I}nvestigaci\'on.},
pages = {7--54},
language = {Spanish}
booktitle = {Reflexiones y {P}ropuestas en {E}ducaci\'on {M}atem\'atica},
title = {Reflexiones y {P}ropuestas en {E}ducaci\'on {M}atem\'atica},
year = 2014,
address = {Lima, Per\'u},
publisher = {Editorial {M}oshera {S}.{R}.{L}.},
language = {Spanish}
crossref = {handbook2014},
author = {Kilpatrick, Jeremy},
title = {History of Research in Mathematics Education},
pages = {267--272},
language = {English},
booktitle = {Encyclopedia of {M}athematics {E}ducation},
title = {Encyclopedia of {M}athematics {E}ducation},
year = 2014,
publisher = {Springer Netherlands},
editor = {Lerman, Stephen},
language = {English},
\renewcommand{\BBAA}{\&} % between authors in parenthetical cites and ref. list
\renewcommand{\BBAB}{\&} % between authors in in-text citation
\renewcommand{\BAnd}{\&} % for ``Ed. \& Trans.'' in ref. list
Mis referencias son \cite{killpatrick2014:handbook2014} y \cite{vallejo:book2014}