使用 tcolorbox 定制可破坏的盒子

使用 tcolorbox 定制可破坏的盒子

我使用 tcolorbox 包在 polyglossia 包下在阿拉伯语环境(一种从右到左的语言)中生成彩色框。
我在附件文件中解释了环境示例中的一些命令:这里使用命令“before upper”和“after upper”来包含 tcolorbox 环境中的命令。(我给出了 example_small 环境,用于单行和双行示例,以供任何评论!)在之前,我把命令

\parshape 4
        0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
        0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
        0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
        0pt \hsize

这会将示例的文本向前推 7 毫米,这是示例的前三行(否则节点会叠加在文本上)。您可以在下面看到 tex 文件及其编译。现在,我有几个问题:

1/ 我对长且无标题的示例感到满意,但对于有标题的示例,tcolorbox 在推送的三行中不包括标题行(参见示例 4)。因此,在这种情况下我只想推送两行。我该怎么做?

2/ 对于损坏的示例“Ex.5”,我遇到了第二个问题,其中可以看到在中断处,环境会(自动!)复制标题的节点。这对我来说可能是一个不错的选择,现在我想研究两个选项:a/ 第一个是让环境在中断处复制其节点,然后,我如何在中断处对命令进行排序

    \parshape 4
            0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
            0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
            0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
            0pt \hsize


b/ 第二个选项是禁止此重复。什么选项可以使此示例节点的行为与往常一样,即可中断但不在中断处重复标题?

我给了我的 tex 文件......



    \setmainfont{Times New Roman}
    \setmonofont{Courier New}
    \newfontfamily{\arabicfont}[Script=Arabic,Scale=1.5]{Traditional Arabic}



    colback=white,  arc=0mm,
    width=1.1\linewidth, rightrule=.1\linewidth, leftrule=0mm,
    top=1mm, bottom=1mm, left=0mm, right=0mm,
    colbacktitle=yellow, colframe=red, coltitle=black, title=#1,
    before upper={\vspace*{1.5mm}
    \parshape 3
            0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
            0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
            0pt \hsize
    after upper app={\vspace*{1.5mm}},
    extrude right by=-5.5mm,
    \node[text width=.09\linewidth, align=center] at ([xshift=-.05\linewidth]frame.east) {\examplelabel};}]}{%

    colback=white, colframe=red, arc=0mm,
    rightrule=0mm, leftrule=0mm,toprule=0mm,
    top=1mm, bottom=1mm, left=0mm, right=0mm,
    colbacktitle=green, coltitle=black, 
    extrude right by=-5.5mm,
    before upper={\parshape 4
            0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
            0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
            0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
            0pt \hsize},
    \node[fill=yellow, draw=red, line width=1.5pt, below right, minimum height=3em, text width=.8cm, align=center] at ([xshift=-.1mm]frame.north east) {\examplelabel};
    \draw [red,line width=.5mm]([yshift=.25mm]frame.south west)--+(\linewidth,0);
    \draw [red,line width=.5mm]([yshift=.25mm]frame.north west)--+(\linewidth,0);}

     In this document, the text would be written in arabic, a right-to-left language

    A one-line example

    A two-lines example
    A two-lines example

    A general example
    A general example
    A general example
    A general example

    \begin{example}[\hspace*{2.5mm}\LR{Title of the example}]
    A general titled example
    A general titled example
    A general titled example
    A general titled example

    \begin{example}[\hspace*{2.5mm}\LR{A broken example}]
    An example artificially broken
    An example artificially broken
    An example artificially broken
    An example artificially broken
    An example artificially broken
    An example artificially broken
    An example artificially broken
    An example artificially broken
    An example artificially broken
    An example artificially broken
    An example artificially broken
    An example artificially broken
    An example artificially broken
    An example artificially broken
    An example artificially broken
    An example artificially broken



在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述



对于第一个问题,before upper如果存在标题,则代码会更改,请参阅code={\ifstrempty ...

对于第二个问题, 会underlay根据中断状态而改变。我也将overlay其改为underlay,因为它几乎是相同的,但您可以对同一个框多次使用它,并且它添加的代码不会替换。




\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
\setmonofont{Courier New}
\newfontfamily{\arabicfont}[Script=Arabic,Scale=1.5]{Traditional Arabic}



\newtcolorbox[use counter=example]{example_small}[1][]{enhanced jigsaw,breakable,
  colback=white,  arc=0mm,
  width=1.1\linewidth, rightrule=.1\linewidth, leftrule=0mm,
  top=1mm, bottom=1mm, left=0mm, right=0mm,
  colbacktitle=yellow, colframe=red, coltitle=black, title=#1,
  before upper={\vspace*{1.5mm}
  \parshape 3
        0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
        0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
        0pt \hsize
  after upper app={\vspace*{1.5mm}},
  extrude right by=-5.5mm,
    \node[text width=.09\linewidth, align=center] at ([xshift=-.05\linewidth]frame.east) {\examplelabel};}

\newtcolorbox[use counter=example]{example}[1][]{enhanced jigsaw,breakable,
  colback=white, colframe=red, arc=0mm,
  rightrule=0mm, leftrule=0mm,toprule=0mm,
  top=1mm, bottom=1mm, left=0mm, right=0mm,
  colbacktitle=green, coltitle=black,
  extrude right by=-5.5mm,
  before upper={\parshape 4
        0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
        0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
        0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
        0pt \hsize},
      before upper={\parshape 3
        0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
        0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
        0pt \hsize},
  underlay unbroken and first={%
  \node[fill=yellow, draw=red, line width=1.5pt, below right, minimum height=3em, text width=.8cm, align=center] at ([xshift=-.1mm]frame.north east) {\examplelabel};
  \draw [red,line width=.5mm]([yshift=.25mm]frame.north west)--+(\linewidth,0);
  underlay unbroken and last={%
  \draw [red,line width=.5mm]([yshift=.25mm]frame.south west)--+(\linewidth,0);

In this document, the text would be written in arabic, a right-to-left language

A one-line example

A two-lines example
A two-lines example

A general example
A general example
A general example
A general example

\begin{example}[\hspace*{2.5mm}\LR{Title of the example}]
A general titled example
A general titled example
A general titled example
A general titled example

\begin{example}[\hspace*{2.5mm}\LR{A broken example}]
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken


我还建议您使用enhanced jigsaw而不是jigsaw作为您的示例(效果是否可见取决于预览器)。


