在旧代码中,行距为 1.5 倍时,这个效果看起来相当不错。唯一的问题是 H11 和 W11 的三角形往往有点太宽。使用更新后的代码,它们也更高,而且行似乎没有足够的垂直间距。此外,三角形往往比矩形等其他形状更高,这也不符合审美要求。
\usepackage[labelfont={bf}, justification=justified, singlelinecheck=false, labelsep=space]{caption}
,isosceles triangle
,isosceles triangle apex angle=60
,shape border rotate=90
,inner sep=2
,minimum width=1.4cm % <== changed here
,inner sep=6pt
,fill=white % <== changed here
,rect/.style={draw, font=\small\sffamily\bfseries, inner sep=9pt}
\newcommand*\onesub[1]{\strut$1\mathrlap{_{#1}}$} % <== changed here
\newcommand*\onesubH[1]{\strut$H_{\mathrlap{1_{#1}}}$} % <== changed here
\newcommand*\onesubW[1]{\strut$W_{\mathrlap{1_{#1}}}$} % <== changed here
\node [rect,inner sep=2.5pt, minimum height=0.7cm] (c) {#1};
\node[trigl,inner sep=1pt, minimum width=1.4cm] (c) {\onesub{#1}};
\node[trigl,inner sep=1pt, minimum width=1.4cm] (c) {\onesubH{#1}};
\node[trigl,inner sep=1pt, minimum width=1.4cm] (c) {\onesubW{#1}};
\node [circ, inner sep=1pt] (c) {#1};
\caption{Growth Model using 3-Level Data}
,every node/.append style={font=\scriptsize}
,every arrow/.style={line width=.5pt}
\node[trigl] (12) at (20.30, 4.95) {\onesub{2}};
\node[rect] (AMj) at (27.00, 2.00) {$\mathit{CAgeMar}_{jk}$};
\node[trigl, anchor=right side] (H11) at (15.50, 0.75) {\onesubH{1}};
\node[rect] (HTij) at (15.50, -2.60) {$\mathit{Hcyear}_{ij}$};
\node[trigl, anchor=right side] (W11) at (15.50, -5.90) {\onesubW{1}};
\node[rect] (WTij) at (15.70, -8.75) {$\mathit{Wcyear}_{ij}$};
\node[rect] (Yij) at (27.00, -4.00) {$\textnormal{LifeSat}_{ij}$};
\node[input] (M01k) at (17.25,-1.35) {$\mu_{01k}$};
\node[input] (M11k) at (18.25, -4.30) {$\mu_{11k}$};
\node[input] (M02k) at (20.25, -6.35) {$\mu_{02k}$};
\node[input] (M12k) at (22.75, -7.35) {$\mu_{12k}$};
\node[input] (rij) at (30, -4.00) {$r_{ij}\begin{cases}r_{i1k}\\r_{i2k}\end{cases}$};
\draw [->] (H11.right side) to (Yij);
\draw [->] (HTij.east) to (Yij);
\draw [->] (W11.right side) to (Yij);
\draw [->] (WTij.east) to (Yij);
\node[circ] (P01k) at (17.5, -0.05) {$\pi_{01k}$};
\node[circ] (P11k) at (19.00, -2.90) {$\pi_{11k}$};
\node[circ] (P02k) at (21.00, -5.00) {$\pi_{02k}$};
\node[circ] (P12k) at (23.25, -5.75) {$\pi_{12k}$};
\draw [->] (12.255) to node [swap, near start] {$\beta_{010}$} (P01k);
\draw [->] (12.265) to node [swap,pos=.35] {$\beta_{110}$} (P11k);
\draw [->] (12.275) to node [swap,pos=.35] {$\beta_{020}$} (P02k);
\draw [->] (12.285) to node [near start] {$\beta_{120}$} (P12k);
\draw [->] (AMj.south) to node [swap, near start] {$\beta_{011}$} (P01k);
\draw [->] (AMj.south) to node [swap, near start] {$\beta_{111}$} (P11k);
\draw [->] (AMj.south) to node [swap, pos=.3] {$\beta_{021}$} (P02k);
\draw [->] (AMj.south) to node [near start] {$\beta_{121}$} (P12k);
\draw [->] (rij) to node[swap] {1} (Yij);
\draw [->] (M01k) to node[near start]{1} (P01k);
\draw [->] (M11k) to node[right,near start] {1} (P11k);
\draw [->] (M02k) to node[right,near start] {1} (P02k);
\draw [->] (M12k) to node[right,near start] {1} (P12k);
\draw [<->, bend right=30] ([xshift=-4mm]M01k.south east) to ([xshift=1mm]M11k.west);
\draw [<->, bend right=30] ([xshift=-4mm]M11k.south east) to (M02k);
\draw [<->, bend right=30] ([xshift=3mm]M02k.south west) to ([yshift=1mm]M12k.west);
\draw [<->, bend right=45] (M01k.south) to ([yshift=-1mm]M02k.west);
\draw [<->, bend right=45] ([xshift=3mm]M11k.south west) to (M12k.west);
\draw [<->, bend right=65] ([xshift=-1mm]M01k.south) to ([yshift=-1mm]M12k.west);
\draw [<->, bend left] ([xshift=-3mm, yshift=-2mm]rij.north east) to ([xshift=-3mm, yshift=1mm]rij.south east);
% \begin{doublespace}
\section{Steps for Deriving the Reduced Form Equation}
Below is a summary showing the derivation of the reduced form
\hspace{9pt} Traces for Fixed Effects:
\hspace{24pt} \txttrigl{2} $\times \beta_{010} \times$ \txttriglH{1} = $\beta_{010}$
\hspace{24pt} \txttrigl{2} $\times \beta_{110} \times$ \txtrect{$Hcyear_{ijk}$} = $\beta_{110} Hcyear_{ijk}$
\hspace{24pt} \txttrigl{2} $\times \beta_{020} \times$ \txttriglW{1} = $\beta_{020}$
\hspace{24pt} etc \ldots
\section{Steps for Deriving the Multilevel Equations}
Below is a summary showing the derivation of the multilevel equations.
\hspace{8pt} Level 1:
\hspace{24pt} \txtrect{$LifeSat_{ij}$}
\hspace{40pt} Traces:
\hspace{56pt} \txttriglH{1} $\times$ \txtcirc{$\pi_{01k}$} = $\pi_{01k}$
\hspace{56pt} \txtrect{$Hcyear_{ijk}$} $\times$ \txtcirc{$\pi_{11k}$} = $\pi_{11k} Hcyear_{ijk}$
\hspace{24pt} etc \ldots
% \end{doublespace}
希望能得到一些有关格式化 TikZ 图形的帮助。我已将创建下图的代码包含在内。
我遇到的主要问题是标有 H11 和 W11 的三角形。我喜欢标有 12 的三角形的外观,并希望其他三角形更像它。我的感觉是,我希望 H11 中的“H”和 W11 中的“W”或多或少地位于三角形的中心,就像 12 中的“1”一样。不过,H11 和 W11 中的文本可能太多,如果不将三角形弄得太大,这种方法就无法奏效。无论如何,H11 和 W11 的三角形比 12 的三角形大,我的感觉是结果并不美观。也许最好的办法是将 12 的三角形弄大一些,以便与其他三角形更加一致。我不太确定解决方案是什么。我只是知道这里有些东西看起来不太对劲。
%%%% Packages %%%%
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%%%% Set pdf zoom to 100% %%%%
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%%%% TikZ graphics styles/commands %%%%
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\tikzstyle{rect}=[rectangle, draw=black, font=\small\sffamily\bfseries, inner sep=9pt]
\tikzstyle{circ}=[circle, draw=black, font=\small\sffamily\bfseries, inner sep=6pt]
isosceles triangle,
shape border rotate=90,
inner sep=2,
isosceles triangle apex angle=60,
isosceles triangle stretches
\node [rect,inner sep=2.5pt] (c) {#1};
\node[trigl,inner sep=1pt] (c) {\onesub{#1}};
\node[trigl,inner sep=1pt] (c) {\onesubH{#1}};
\node[trigl,inner sep=1pt] (c) {\onesubW{#1}};
\node [circ, inner sep=1pt] (c) {#1};
%%%% Main document %%%%
r_{i1k} \\
\caption{Growth Model using 3-Level Data}
\node[trigl] (12) at (20.30, 4.95) {\onesub{2}};
\node[rect] (AMj) at (27.00, 2.00) {$\mathit{CAgeMar}_{jk}$};
\node[trigl, anchor=right side] (H11) at (15.50, 0.75) {\onesubH{1}};
\node[rect] (HTij) at (15.50, -2.60) {$\mathit{Hcyear}_{ij}$};
\node[trigl, anchor=right side] (W11) at (15.50, -5.90) {\onesubW{1}};
\node[rect] (WTij) at (15.70, -8.75) {$\mathit{Wcyear}_{ij}$};
\node[rect] (Yij) at (27.00, -4.00) {$LifeSat_{ij}$};
\node[circ] (P01k) at (17.5, 0) {$\pi_{01k}$};
\node[circ] (P11k) at (19.00, -2.90) {$\pi_{11k}$};
\node[circ] (P02k) at (21.00, -5.00) {$\pi_{02k}$};
\node[circ] (P12k) at (23.25, -6.00) {$\pi_{12k}$};
\node[input] (M01k) at (17.25,-1.35) {$\mu_{01k}$};
\node[input] (M11k) at (18.25, -4.30) {$\mu_{11k}$};
\node[input] (M02k) at (20.25, -6.35) {$\mu_{02k}$};
\node[input] (M12k) at (22.75, -7.35) {$\mu_{12k}$};
\node[input] (rij) at (30, -4.00) {\small$r_{ij} \rlist$};
\draw [arr] ([xshift=-2mm]12.south) to node [pos=.20, swap, xshift=2mm, yshift=0mm] {\scriptsize$\beta_{010}$} (P01k);
\draw [arr] ([xshift=-0.75mm]12.south) to node [pos=.20, swap, xshift=0.75mm, yshift=-5mm] {\scriptsize$\beta_{110}$} (P11k);
\draw [arr] ([xshift=0.75mm]12.south) to node [pos=.20, swap, xshift=2mm, yshift=-5mm] {\scriptsize$\beta_{020}$} (P02k);
\draw [arr] ([xshift=2mm]12.south) to node [pos=.20, xshift=-1mm, yshift=0mm] {\scriptsize$\beta_{120}$} (P12k);
\draw [arr] (AMj.south) to node [pos=.20, swap, xshift=-2mm, yshift=-1mm] {\scriptsize$\beta_{011}$} (P01k);
\draw [arr] (AMj.south) to node [pos=.20, swap, xshift=-2mm, yshift=-3mm] {\scriptsize$\beta_{111}$} (P11k);
\draw [arr] (AMj.south) to node [pos=.20, swap, xshift=-2mm, yshift=-5mm] {\scriptsize$\beta_{021}$} (P02k);
\draw [arr] (AMj.south) to node [pos=.20, xshift=-2mm, yshift=0mm] {\scriptsize$\beta_{121}$} (P12k);
\draw (H11.right side) to (P01k);
\draw [arr] (P01k) to (Yij);
\draw (HTij.east) to (P11k);
\draw [arr] (P11k) to (Yij);
\draw (W11.right side) to (P02k);
\draw [arr] (P02k) to (Yij);
\draw (WTij.east) to (P12k);
\draw [arr] (P12k) to (Yij);
\draw [arr] (rij) to node[swap] {\scriptsize 1} (Yij);
\draw [arr] (M01k) to node[pos=.33, xshift=1mm, yshift=-1.5mm] {\scriptsize 1} (P01k);
\draw [arr] (M11k) to node[swap, xshift=-1mm, yshift=1.5mm] {\scriptsize 1} (P11k);
\draw [arr] (M02k) to node[pos=.33, swap, xshift=-1mm, yshift=2mm] {\scriptsize 1} (P02k);
\draw [arr] (M12k) to node[swap, xshift=-1mm, yshift=1.5mm] {\scriptsize 1} (P12k);
\draw [doublearr, bend right=30] ([xshift=-4mm]M01k.south east) to ([xshift=1mm]M11k.west);
\draw [doublearr, bend right=30] ([xshift=-4mm]M11k.south east) to (M02k);
\draw [doublearr, bend right=30] ([xshift=3mm]M02k.south west) to ([yshift=1mm]M12k.west);
\draw [doublearr, bend right=45] (M01k.south) to ([yshift=-1mm]M02k.west);
\draw [doublearr, bend right=45] ([xshift=3mm]M11k.south west) to (M12k.west);
\draw [doublearr, bend right=65] ([xshift=-1mm]M01k.south) to ([yshift=-1mm]M12k.west);
\draw [doublearr, bend left] ([xshift=-1mm, yshift=-2mm]rij.north east) to ([xshift=-1mm, yshift=1mm]rij.south east);
章节。现在,您正在通过其坐标定义每个节点,这需要大量硬编码。不太灵活。graph drawing
% arara: pdflatex
\usepackage[labelfont={bf}, justification=justified, singlelinecheck=false, labelsep=space]{caption}
,isosceles triangle
,isosceles triangle apex angle=60
,shape border rotate=90
,inner sep=2
,minimum width=1.4cm % <== changed here
,inner sep=6pt
,fill=white % <== changed here
,rect/.style={draw, font=\small\sffamily\bfseries, inner sep=9pt}
\newcommand*\onesub[1]{\strut$1\mathrlap{_{#1}}$} % <== changed here
\newcommand*\onesubH[1]{\strut$H_{\mathrlap{1_{#1}}}$} % <== changed here
\newcommand*\onesubW[1]{\strut$W_{\mathrlap{1_{#1}}}$} % <== changed here
\caption{Growth Model using 3-Level Data}
,every node/.append style={font=\scriptsize}
,every arrow/.style={line width=.5pt}
\node[trigl] (12) at (20.30, 4.95) {\onesub{2}};
\node[rect] (AMj) at (27.00, 2.00) {$\mathit{CAgeMar}_{jk}$};
\node[trigl, anchor=right side] (H11) at (15.50, 0.75) {\onesubH{1}};
\node[rect] (HTij) at (15.50, -2.60) {$\mathit{Hcyear}_{ij}$};
\node[trigl, anchor=right side] (W11) at (15.50, -5.90) {\onesubW{1}};
\node[rect] (WTij) at (15.70, -8.75) {$\mathit{Wcyear}_{ij}$};
\node[rect] (Yij) at (27.00, -4.00) {$\textnormal{LifeSat}_{ij}$};
\node[input] (M01k) at (17.25,-1.35) {$\mu_{01k}$};
\node[input] (M11k) at (18.25, -4.30) {$\mu_{11k}$};
\node[input] (M02k) at (20.25, -6.35) {$\mu_{02k}$};
\node[input] (M12k) at (22.75, -7.35) {$\mu_{12k}$};
\node[input] (rij) at (30, -4.00) {$r_{ij}\begin{cases}r_{i1k}\\r_{i2k}\end{cases}$};
\draw [->] (H11.right side) to (Yij);
\draw [->] (HTij.east) to (Yij);
\draw [->] (W11.right side) to (Yij);
\draw [->] (WTij.east) to (Yij);
\node[circ] (P01k) at (17.5, 0) {$\pi_{01k}$};
\node[circ] (P11k) at (19.00, -2.90) {$\pi_{11k}$};
\node[circ] (P02k) at (21.00, -5.00) {$\pi_{02k}$};
\node[circ] (P12k) at (23.25, -6.00) {$\pi_{12k}$};
\draw [->] (12.255) to node [swap, near start] {$\beta_{010}$} (P01k);
\draw [->] (12.265) to node [swap,pos=.35] {$\beta_{110}$} (P11k);
\draw [->] (12.275) to node [swap,pos=.35] {$\beta_{020}$} (P02k);
\draw [->] (12.285) to node [near start] {$\beta_{120}$} (P12k);
\draw [->] (AMj.south) to node [swap, near start] {$\beta_{011}$} (P01k);
\draw [->] (AMj.south) to node [swap, near start] {$\beta_{111}$} (P11k);
\draw [->] (AMj.south) to node [swap, pos=.3] {$\beta_{021}$} (P02k);
\draw [->] (AMj.south) to node [near start] {$\beta_{121}$} (P12k);
\draw [->] (rij) to node[swap] {1} (Yij);
\draw [->] (M01k) to node[near start]{1} (P01k);
\draw [->] (M11k) to node[right,near start] {1} (P11k);
\draw [->] (M02k) to node[right,near start] {1} (P02k);
\draw [->] (M12k) to node[right,near start] {1} (P12k);
\draw [<->, bend right=30] ([xshift=-4mm]M01k.south east) to ([xshift=1mm]M11k.west);
\draw [<->, bend right=30] ([xshift=-4mm]M11k.south east) to (M02k);
\draw [<->, bend right=30] ([xshift=3mm]M02k.south west) to ([yshift=1mm]M12k.west);
\draw [<->, bend right=45] (M01k.south) to ([yshift=-1mm]M02k.west);
\draw [<->, bend right=45] ([xshift=3mm]M11k.south west) to (M12k.west);
\draw [<->, bend right=65] ([xshift=-1mm]M01k.south) to ([yshift=-1mm]M12k.west);
\draw [<->, bend left] ([xshift=-3mm, yshift=-2mm]rij.north east) to ([xshift=-3mm, yshift=1mm]rij.south east);