标题之后 mdframed 环境的异常行为

标题之后 mdframed 环境的异常行为


我正在使用mdframed2013 年的 1.9b 版本和 LuaLaTeX。

现在我遇到的问题可以通过以下 MWE 重现。

\def\a{Here goes some really boring text which we use to fill the paragraph, but which is shorter than the standard lipsum and blindtext paragraph. }


\chapter{chapter title}

    some text box


\section{section title}

    some text box


\subsection{subsection title}

    some text box


\chapter{chapter title}

Now with some text prior to the \texttt{mdframed} environment. To show the effect of that on vertical spacing.

    some text box


\section{section title}

Now with some text prior to the \texttt{mdframed} environment. To show the effect of that on vertical spacing.

    some text box


\subsection{subsection title}

Now with some text prior to the \texttt{mdframed} environment. To show the effect of that on vertical spacing.

    some text box




标题后的 mdframed 环境

标题后的文本,后跟 mdframed 环境

现在我不确定这是否是我的个人喜好问题,因为我知道 LaTeX 在各处的间距上投入了大量精力。但我觉得很奇怪,在第一个例子中,框mdframed基本上粘在标题上,然后是似乎属于标题的垂直跳跃;而在第二个例子中,垂直间距看起来更合理。


编辑:顺便说一句\begin{mdframed}[skipabove=\baselineskip](即使使用 1em 或 1ex 代替\baselineskip)在章节标题下方也没有效果。




\documentclass[a4paper, fontsize=12pt, twoside=false, onecolumn, final, openany, parskip=full, chapterprefix=false]{scrreprt}

\def\a{Here goes some really boring text which we use to fill the paragraph, but which is shorter than the standard lipsum and blindtext paragraph. }

\tcbset{sharp corners, colback=white, colframe=black, boxrule=1pt}


\chapter{chapter title}

    some text box


\section{section title}

    some text box


\subsection{subsection title}

    some text box


\chapter{chapter title}

Now with some text prior to the \texttt{mdframed} environment. To show the effect of that on vertical spacing.

    some text box


\section{section title}

Now with some text prior to the \texttt{mdframed} environment. To show the effect of that on vertical spacing.

    some text box


\subsection{subsection title}

Now with some text prior to the \texttt{mdframed} environment. To show the effect of that on vertical spacing.

    some text box


