(1)我的 Latex 文档中有一个空白页,我不知道如何删除它。
\documentclass[12pt,twoside]{ociamthesis} % default square logo
\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb, amsfonts}
\usepackage{changepage} % for temp adjustment of page margin
\renewcommand{\nomname}{List of Symbols}
\title{My Title}
\abstracttitle{Abstract Title}
\author{my name} %your name
\college{my college} %your college
\degreelevel{Degree} %the degree
\degreedate{2015} %the degree date
\DeclareMathSizes{12}{13}{8}{10} % For size 12 text
\baselineskip=24pt plus1pt % this looks about double-line
\maketitle % create a title page from the preamble info
\baselineskip=18pt plus1pt % this looks pretty good for the TOC
\include{acknowledgement} % include an acknowledgements.tex file
\include{declaration} % include a declaration.tex file
\baselineskip=18pt plus1pt % Looks pretty good for the abstract etc.
\include{abstract} % include the abstract
\begin{romanpages} % start roman page numbering
\tableofcontents % generate and include a table of contents
\baselineskip=18pt plus1pt % this looks pretty good for the TOC
\listoffigures % generate and include a list of figures
\listoftables % generate and include a list of tables
\end{romanpages} % end roman page numbering
\baselineskip=24pt plus1pt % change back to normal spacing
\include{chapter1} % Chapter1
\include{chapter2} % Chapter2
\include{chapter3} % Chapter3
\include{chapter4} % Chapter4
\include{chapter5} % Chapter5
\include{chapter6} % Chapter6
\include{conclusions} % Conclusions
\renewcommand{\bibname}{References} % changes bibliography name to references
\baselineskip=14pt plus1pt % compress the references a bit